Forum Discussion
You do not become better by getting your whole squad bodied in 2 seconds by a 16 hours a day twitch streamer and his squad. You get better by fighting slightly better people or else everyone starting out with anything would just start with the hardest thing they can find. Why start with easy songs playing the piano if you can try the fantaisie impromptu by Chopin? BECAUSE THAT IS NOT HOW YOU BECOME BETTER.
And you already get placed with worse players. Or better. Or something. And against worse players. Or better. Or something. Whatever the drunk RNG feels like at the moment. Forever.
With matchmaking? You get into a match with a smurf. The smurf bodies everyone. The smurf instantly rises into harder matches. You fall a bit and get easier matches. Because they're easier, you get back to where you belong fast.
That's why I said your arguments are godawful. Smurfs aren't a problem right now because the kind of people who would smurf already get exactly what they want. New players they can easily kill. With no effort required on their side and no repercussions.
"You get into a match with a smurf. The smurf bodies everyone. The smurf instantly rises into harder matches. You fall a bit and get easier matches. Because they're easier, you get back to where you belong fast."
Are you that thick that you do not get what 3 people have said already to you? It's not up to you whether you get back to the rating you belong.Because in the new lower rank with the easier matches like you said, you still need 2 more people to be competent and play good, else you lose again and you lose even more rating. It's not a hard concept to grasp honestly. i just believe you want to believe in your own bs arguments and do not want to even consider or understand what other people are saying. In your head somehow you think that skill rating will help you win matches. Like others said, go play OW they have skill rating MM come back here and tell us how many matches you won.
This rating system you ask cannot work for both squads and solo players. It's either or.
- 7 years ago
Exactly that. +1
- 7 years ago
A lot of the counter arguments to ranked or casual servers center around improving your game play. I think this is pretty important and I've been watching a ton of guides that have helped with looting, positioning, area rotating, sewing confusion, team work, etc. I still struggle with aiming though and no advice will help that. Watching streamers and death cam in game, it's crazy how fast a lot of people's reactions are and their ability to track players like magnets. I've been practicing on the practice range, as suggested on here but it could do with some work. The targets are either static or trundle along in a very slow and predictable fashion. What's needed are targets that * backwards and forwards and bunny hop about like their having a demonic episode, to have any real use in improving aim for this game. An addition to the game like this isn't going to * off elite players I hope, so how about it Devs?
- 7 years ago
That is a great suggestion. I agree.
- 7 years ago
A ranked mode seems like it is going to happen so that may smooth out the extremes of the general que a bit but I highly doubt a full SBMM system will be implemented in the general team que because there are too many ways to abuse/grief the system and too hard to balance amongst other marketing reasons. Maybe if they bring out a solo mode it can work there but that also separates the player base likely too much and will cause longer ques. Yes this game has however many millions of players now but it wont have that in month from now or a year from now, it is already losing steam. If it is really bothering you I guess give it a break and see what the future brings because I doubt it will change anytime soon.
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