Forum Discussion
I'm fine with SBMM as long as it is ONLY based on win or lose... No stats, no rank.. just win or lose.
It could be a point system, where in bronze you get 250 pts for a win, and lose 15 pts for a loss. Get to 1000 pts and you get to silver.
If it uses stats or rank, it will turn into a toxic mess, because players on a team will have adversarial goals. (You compete with teamates for damage, and you can get higher rank by passively hiding)
Wins only sbmm i can support.
"I'm fine with SBMM as long as it is ONLY based on win or lose"
At this point there's no reason to make a match making system at all. All the grown * dude that wants to keep stomping kids need to do is throw the game.
Matchmaking NEEDS to be a mix of victories, kills, respawn/revives and consistency.
If you make it all about victories. People will kill 20 players and suicide or leave to stay in kid's league.
- 7 years ago
Exactly as TrueDivinorium said.
Wins mean NOTHING when you consider just that. Noobs can be carried and lucky wins can happen here and there plus people can dodge going into upper tiers/ranks by simply forfeiting/leaving/suiciding to not win. So they would spend all game vaporising less skilled players only to kill themselves, let themselves be killed or leaving the game before becoming champions to dodge ranking up.
Average accuracy, average kills per game, average assists per game, average damage per game, average deaths per game, average respawns per game, average revives per game, win ratio, etc. all need to be taken into consideration if you want a SBMM that actually works.- 6 years agoIt should be placement-based and kill-based.
Mostly because we want to see successful Kill Leaders at the top of the Ladder (which also would promote aggressive gameplay) and those who jump in some hot zone to get some kills and constantly end up dying first - at the very bottom of Ladder (because they are not very good but still aggressive for some reason).
Wins means NOTHING without kills; as well as kills means NOTHING without wins.- 6 years ago
a men "wins mean nothing without kills and kills mean nothing without wins" im one of those douches with 1600+kills and almost 100 wins this season that yall keep talkin about. i have no problem with sbmm at all man. who wants to run around the map killing troves of noobs every game? how fkn lame are u ??to get good i hit practice everyday to learn recoil and practice movement.if ur onle of those lame * players who is crying about sbmm its probably cuz ur getting bodied by ppl like me lol wipe ur eyes get better dont get mad cuz u thought u were good til u played ppl that really are the newer players need sbmm in order to be able to have fun man try being in a pred lobby and gettin matched with 2 lvl 4 players who had a couple lucky matchs and thier kd ratio is like 4.5 but they meet one squad and b4 u know it its 1 v 3 yea it aux but thats what us high tier players deal with it sux but we deal with it it is what it is keep it up respawn great game remember me friends i may kill u lmao
- 6 years ago
@TSF_VindictiV wrote:Exactly as TrueDivinorium said.
Wins mean NOTHING when you consider just that. Noobs can be carried and lucky wins can happen here and there plus people can dodge going into upper tiers/ranks by simply forfeiting/leaving/suiciding to not win. So they would spend all game vaporising less skilled players only to kill themselves, let themselves be killed or leaving the game before becoming champions to dodge ranking up.
Average accuracy, average kills per game, average assists per game, average damage per game, average deaths per game, average respawns per game, average revives per game, win ratio, etc. all need to be taken into consideration if you want a SBMM that actually works.Love your posts man, keep em coming. I've had these arguments for years in many video games, its nice to see others making the same common sense points.
IMO, these games should be treated no differently then how real life pro athletic athletes get ranked by scouts and ranked leaderboards. And the more stats the better 😉Quake live bought an amazing skill rating algorithm from gaimtheory, but were too scared to ever use it. IMO it was the best I've ever seen and its a real shame they had no faith in it. Still upsets me to this day.
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