Forum Discussion
@zennorian Strong disagree. Completely getting stomped with no realistic chance to win the round at all for the average player because there's one team of full-time streamers in your game just shouldn't happen.
Yet again strong disagree, BR’s are supposed to be random, and plus you can’t put new players against new players and not expect them to get better....faster at looting, better at aiming, and game sense to know the feel of what to do and when to do it.
skill based match making will just stagnate people’s skill level.
- 6 years ago
I would like to see a match making along with a casual non-ranked/rated lobby also or something that has a buffer for new players vs experienced. Honestly, I think most players I've ever head upset at the idea of a MM system really are just upset that they'll have to actually compete from the sounds of it. But having a higher skilled bracket will always improve all players game play because they will learn things from the higher skilled players having to play even better.
More than that, I'd like to see a penalty for leaving a game before your squad has been eliminated. It seems to happen more and more that players decide to drop hot, get popped then immediately leave before they can be recovered. Or what is also happening more often now is being queued in to a match being short one player or even sometimes solo. It's kind of annoying, but I milk it for all the xp I can and lay low most the match. Beats leaving and ending up in matches where your squad gets aced in the first 30 secs because everyone else wanted to go bunker or even that random spot.
tl;dr MMR system would be good if a casual mode was still available and add a queue timer if a player leaves a game early, maybe 5-10 mins or perhaps zero xp or stats contribution for that match if not staying until your squad is eliminated.
- 6 years ago
@zennorian Do you think getting vaporized by a Shroud wannabe in 1 second every game makes someone better at aiming and looting and finding out where the good stuff is and what are good paths to take?
Or actually getting to play the game and getting to shoot the weapons?
- 6 years ago
Both, but you’re not going to come across as you put it a shroud wannabe, every game you play, and if so, spectate them, find out what guns they are using, see what paths they take for each situation, learn off them, don’t hate them, people have put a lot of time and effort into the game to hone their skills as a gamer, let other people do the same.
- 6 years ago
Or to use a different example. Do you learn chess by getting crushed by Garri Kasparov or by playing against similarly experienced players?
Do you learn the piano by forcefully trying to play the hardest piece you can find or do you work your way up from simple pieces?
Did 5 year old you get thrown in a Bugatti before learning how to ride a bike?
- 6 years ago
Only saw this after my last reply and your examples are rediculouse and extremely situational, and extreme, gaming is different, I believe getting stomped on is the only way to get better, my first FPS was CoD4 and I never went positive on any game, and when I did I would rejoice, then by the time MW3 came around I was entering competitions and come 2nd and 3rd constantly.
Constantly getting stomped on increased my reaction time, my hand to eye coordinasation, and the ability to adapt to certain situations.
Getting on stomped on is the FIRST learning curve to ANY game, you are new and other people are better, now improve!
- 6 years ago
You seriously think learning in gaming is different than EVERY SINGLE OTHER ASPECT IN LIFE? School subjects, you start with easy stuff and work your way up. Work, you start out doing the easy stuff and work your way up, any sport, you start easy and work your way up, any other skill in the whole world you start simple and gradually get to more complicated things as you get better. Gaming? Nah bro you have to get stomped on with no chance to register what the hell even happened to get better.
Does that make any sense to you?
- 6 years ago
@zennorian wrote:you can’t put new players against new players and
notexpect them to get better....faster at looting, better at aiming, and game sense to know the feel of what to do and when to do it.skill based match making will just stagnate people’s skill level.
First of all I think you added 1 "not" too much, what makes your sentence making no sense.... I corrected it above, no offense!
Second, I believe that your aiming ability your looting behaviour are not affected by the players you play with...
I mean there is noone who permanently tells you "aim 1 m in front of the enemy" or "aim higher" since your teammates cant see what you do.You learn this things by yourself if you play, maybe you change your mouse sensitivity to feel better.
You get knowledge over the items you see if you see them more often and you stop reading or deactivate the descriptions.I really don't see any influence of others in the game here. Maybe you get good informations from helpfull threads...
"the sense to know the feel of what to do and when to do it" can be influenced by players talking to you and giving you hints right in the game...
But seriously, how many squads you have that use voice?
10% ?
Last but not least:
If the skill level stagnates, why is that a problem? they get ranked a little bit lower and still feel fine and happy.
And better players still don't need to play with them...
- 6 years ago
@zennorian wrote:Yet again strong disagree, BR’s are supposed to be random, and plus you can’t put new players against new players and not expect them to get better....faster at looting, better at aiming, and game sense to know the feel of what to do and when to do it.
skill based match making will just stagnate people’s skill level.
You get better by playing competitive matches. This is how athletic sports work. You start in the playground, then highschool tiers, college tiers, pro level tiers. The game has to be fun for everyone too, not just torture. If theres no motivation people wouldn't play. People want to gradually get better at their own pace. Which actually works contrary to your opinion.
- 6 years ago
The sad reality is that BR genre has no set concept of what a skilled player is. The ultimate goal of the game is to be the last one surviving yet most of the community ranks players by how many kills they score. And unfortunately respawn failed or just refused to address this by putting so much highlight on kill counts. If you play to win, scoring a lot of kills means you messed up a lot, it means you played bad, not good, because you took way more risk than you should have. And yet we have these arena-wide announcements of who the new kill leader is. It's a complete mess. It does not have to be this way, BR is capable of providing an awesome competitive experience, but Apex appears to be designed as this casual gambling deathmatch arena where just like in deathmatch everyone's goal is to frag except here we got gambling aspects like hot drops where you can just get frags for free. I don't think there's much point talking about skill-based matchmaking in this kind of situation.
Honestly, at this point I just want them to make a deathmatch shooter out of this game, because combat mechanics are really good. It's like a better Titanfall without the gimmicky mech combat.
- 6 years ago
The thing is, there's people entirely capable of getting in firefights with half the server and coming out on top consistently because of the lack of skill based matchmaking, it's not a risk for them.
You can play the game for survival and get in the last two teams and then you get crushed by those guys 10/10 times. Not only because they are good at shooting but also because they can stock up on weapons, ammo, attachments and healing items from the people they killed who will already have gathered only the best loot they found themselves, vs. You who took what you could get.
And you will have to kill at least one team if you want to win a round, so being good at killing definitely is an important skill to have and should factor into skill based matchmaking. Because a round that you were doomed to lose from the start no matter how intelligently you try to play because whoever you are up against is just so far above your shooting ability that you are down before you can process what happened is bad game design. A game that is impossible to win should never happen .
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