Forum Discussion
The thing is, there's people entirely capable of getting in firefights with half the server and coming out on top consistently because of the lack of skill based matchmaking, it's not a risk for them.
You can play the game for survival and get in the last two teams and then you get crushed by those guys 10/10 times. Not only because they are good at shooting but also because they can stock up on weapons, ammo, attachments and healing items from the people they killed who will already have gathered only the best loot they found themselves, vs. You who took what you could get.
And you will have to kill at least one team if you want to win a round, so being good at killing definitely is an important skill to have and should factor into skill based matchmaking. Because a round that you were doomed to lose from the start no matter how intelligently you try to play because whoever you are up against is just so far above your shooting ability that you are down before you can process what happened is bad game design. A game that is impossible to win should never happen .
@stevencloser wrote:And you will have to kill at least one team if you want to win a round, so being good at killing definitely is an important skill to have and should factor into skill based matchmaking.
You are so right man, of curse the matchmaker should take your K/D into account. If you are skilled at killing yoor K/D should be way over 1.
On the other hand I was watching a match where the winning team had 0 kills and just 300 dmg! Sounds unbelievable but it's really possible...
I myself also won a match with a teamresult of 3 kills and 450 dmg, and we all were surprised it was allready over!
So survival skill (avoiding firefights in bad positions/ with bad equipment, looting the right areas silently, ...) is important too!
Not sure which data you need to analyse to calculate it, maybe number of top 3 results divided by number of matches...
- 6 years ago
@Flashshark1980 wrote:
@stevencloser wrote:And you will have to kill at least one team if you want to win a round, so being good at killing definitely is an important skill to have and should factor into skill based matchmaking.
You are so right man, of curse the matchmaker should take your K/D into account. If you are skilled at killing yoor K/D should be way over 1.
You completely misunderstand the way a matchmaking system works. If your goal is to match people with equal skills then in a perfect system K/D ratio of everyone should be 1.
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