7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Unbelievable. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY WITH STRANGERS! Is it really so hard for you to find friends or a clan to play with?
That's the reason why they shouldn't implement solo/duo modes. Snip
[CM Edit - Play nice]
Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
@Itsahuman wrote:Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
Once again. haven't seen a single post saying that devs will add solo/duo. Can you give a link?
@Itsahuman wrote:Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
In an interview with VG247, design director Mackey McCandlish elaborated on the idea behind squads-only combat:
“We were looking for social opportunities. That’s manifested in this game’s three-man squads, pinging a smart comms system that helps squads coordinate, and respawn chambers keep squads playing. In the same way that we didn’t consider any of the conventions of battle royale to be sacred, we didn’t consider any one part of the Titanfall universe to be sacred.”
And now please send your link. Some people don't want the same thing? That's totally fine. This is a squad-based game. You don't like squad-based games? That's also totally fine. The developers didn't want to do a solo game mode but YOU are the one who's trying to force them into something. Your argumentation is pointless. I'm not the one who's demanding that other people have the same opinion as I do.
You're demanding from the developers to change their opinion/idea behind this game. Knock down/reviving/respawning mechanics is totally squad based. The abilities are squad based. The developers didn't want the same thing as you do. That's the way the world is. Grow up.
And by the way, what's next!? You want a solo and a duo queue? There are many people out there (believe or not) who have more than 2 friends and don't want to split in separate groups. Why not a 5-man queue? In the end we'd have 4 queues, right? But wait. How about a ranked mode in Titanfall (although competitive play is hard in battle royale in this game it might work due to squads and revive/respawn mechancs)? But ranked for which queue (solo, duo, 3-man, 5-man) or for every queue? Fortnite for example supports different game modes and maybe this game will have an alternative game mode as well in the future.
So in the end you will end up with maybe 10 different queues. This leads to long queue times (even when the concurrent player count is as high as it is now) and poor matchmaking.
Let's look what we could do if we stick to 3-man-squad. One queue for casual, one queue for ranked play and maybe one for an alternative mode. Three queues would make it possible to have a good skill based matchmaking in a battle royal (in Fortnite and PUBG there are many people who never have won a single match), with good pings for everybody and short queue times.
But instead you want to rip the heart and sould out of this (awesome) game because... you don't want to play and speak with other people.
@firebird-gabr1eL Did I said that everyone MUST play solo/duo? I'm talking about giving players an option to do so.
@firebird-gabr1eL I agree with a lot of what you're saying, that players shouldn't be down the Devs throats about implementing something they don't want to is completely unfair, this is their game and they should be able to do what they want with it, without people demanding changes but none of that changes the fact that this is a Battle Royale game. With that being said that means any game that jumps into this insane genre that is Battle Royale have to be very diligent in what the other successful BR games have done to stay successful because this is the most popular and competitive video game genre out right now and has an absurd following. Which, very obviously is what Apex is trying to attract and hold on to as many of these people from this giant player base that they can.
Unfortunately these players are coming over from the other BR games (Things like Fortnite) and expecting there to be a Solo and Duo playlist because that's the norm and that's what satisfies everyone. It's not the only reason but and I do want to stress it's a huge part of why the Battle Royale genre is so enormous because it appeals to every type of player. There's players that love everything and there's some that only like playing Solo or Duo and limiting that or cutting that out as an option completely will sadly make the game not for everyone. From a player who doesn't care about playing Solos and just enjoys the game for what is it, none of that matters but from a Business stand point it and the genre that they're trying to appeal to, it REALLY does matter.
I will say Respawn made such an amazing and creative version of a BR game with Apex, probably the best since Fortnite was released but they didn't create the Battle Royale fad, they don't get to choose a lot of things that made so many people love this genre and that's just the truth. Anyways I'm not going to be that guy that says the games going to die because I don't think it will completely, they made a fantastic game that will definitely keep a decent fan base with them. But I would think 2-3 weeks down the road, once the all the hype dies down if Respawn decide not to implement new playlists, a huge portion will default back to their competition
@Itsahuman wrote:Firebird, I find it hard to believe that you have real life friends outside of the video game world if this is how you talk to everyone. Some people don't want the same things as you. That's the way the world is. Grow up. Btw, you're arguing is pointless because the team has already mentioned that they're going to add this. Haha.
Quote the source or it’s not true.
side note if they do they could change the game to just wraith and Bangalore’s because we know if it’s solo que that’s 90% of the solo picked legend in each game.