7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Any plans or ETA on Solo or will it always be 3's.
Your game really needs solos. It is completely unfun playing with randos and forcing people to find two friends to play with to at least have a chance.
I mean I had multiple games so far in the first 24 hours where my teammates do 0 damage in a match that they are alive for minutes.
Please add solos...
I would love a solo or duo queue as well but at the moment it really seems like the game is built for teams..so it may take some tweaking before it is available
My opinion of the game is plummeting horribly. Yesterday, almost every match was good: people struck together, callouts, and no quitting.
Ive played over a dozen matches today and maybe had 1 or 2 that didn’t have everyone separated.
Last match: 1 teammate off in the distance, the other gets jumped by a squad, and I couldn’t do much alone.
Match before: I’m the jumpmaster, my teammates decide that instead of landing by two loot crates and a cliff side bunker, they’ll land together on the opposite side of a major location.
Add these if you wnat your title to last, or it will die as. Just Another Battle Royale Game.
DeathMatch - First to 25 kills
BagMan - One Artifact on map carry the AFT for XTime and Gain Points. Others will hunt you down to steal artifact. First to X#Points wins.
SOLO/DUO Battle Royale
TDeathMatch - First team to X kills
Team Bag Man - Now you have a team!
Capture The OBJ - Each team has a item to protect. Capture oppositions item bring it back to your base. Point captured wheb on team has both items. Best of X rounds.
Escort - A team guides explosive to D teams base. D has to stop them. Best of X Rounds
needs a solo mode asap. I haven't played much because of this.
I disagree that the game absolutely needs solos and I really think it was built from the ground up to be a team game. That said, I don't see the harm in them adding in solo queue.
Is it really that hard to deal with randoms though? Most people I run into are pretty nice and helpful. Definitely a lot of fresh noobs but we kind of all are right now. If your teammates are really bad and you aren't able to carry you just die and move on to the next match. Not that difficult to deal with imo...
I agree 100% , the game has so much potential , but I believe it won't go far without solos and duos.
I don't quite understand how they don't see it, but I'm sure they'll add that, just hoping that goes out soon.
It can be fun, absolutely, but when your friends are not online, it can be a headache to be forced to play with random people, and not mentioning that the target audience would just grow with the addition of solos and duos game modes.
I rather they further solidify the amazing gameplay then to throw in balancing issues at this early of a stage. Take a look at how many issues realm royale has had with changing the entire idea of the game due to balancing issues. I'm all for solo down the road, but why worry about it now? Its been out for less than a week. I've had way more fun playing the game in this state now than anything else.
agree 100%, but on top of that - I don't play randoms because I can't stand the cussing/racial slurs/bad attitudes/comments/raging/terrible mics. I'm forced to squad up with 2 unknowns and I can't even seem to mute them if I just choose to jump alone.
Please, implement solos. not everyone enjoy's cussing, and it's not fun at this point. I LOVE the game, LOVED TitanFall 1 and 2, and so I'm really looking forward to this when Solos comes out.
I'd love to see a solo format...
But please take your time an do it right...
If you have to change the classes up... please do...
I love the way the game feels right now and I hope you don't rush something out just because.