7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Ever heard of a strange thing called making and having friends? There won't be a solo or duo because the whole idea behind this game is based on teamplay. Get friends and play with them. Problem solved.
@firebird-gabr1eL Listen to yourself.. In order to enjoy the game you are forced to go talk and make friends with randoms in your game.. Sometimes you just want to play solo. Sometimes you dont feel like having some random bot on your team that doesnt want to communicate. SOMETIMES you get that player in your squad that just wants to run solo and leaves you and your buddy to finish the game 2 against 3.. What would it hurt putting solos in? Or Duos? It wouldnt hurt anything.. You would still need to work as a team in duos just as much as trio. People like you are annoying to all hell.
What? Why do I have to talk to randoms/strangers? First of all, every friend you have once was a stranger to you. Second of all, I have friends to play with. They were strangers but years ago we started playing together and now we are friends. And even when we have a random in our squad we try to be nice and communicate (voip, ping, chat) as well as possible.
Maybe you don't know but human beings normally do have some sort of social behavior. You should really ask yourself why you are not able to find friends and cooperate with others. This is a squad-based game. The whole idea of the abilities and mechanics is that they should complete each other.
No one's forcing you to talk to randoms. You don't have to play this game. You can go solo in PUBG. Have fun there. Introducing solo/duo would destroy the whole idea behind this game and splitting the community. Do you also ask for solo mode in Overwatach or League of Legends?
My advice to you. Go ingame and play matches. If you find good mates (equal skill level, good communication) add them as a friend, find a discord server and play with them together or go and find a clan. If you're not able to do so look for a good psychiatrist (because something's wrong with you) or live your sad and lonesome life and play PUBG.