Spiders on the new map triggering arachnophobia
Im really enjoying the new update and map for Apex but I had to stop playing last night due to the spiders that have been included. I've had people to tell me to just avoid them but that's not really a solution considering they're dotted all over the map and sometimes out in the open or in useful rotation points - not to mention if there's a team fight near one.
The visual characteristics of the spiders in the update have made it so they seriously set off my arachnophobia to the point where I have to take my hands off the mouse and keyboard and recoil when they appear on my screen, making it so I can no longer play the game. I like the mechanics that the prowler nests bring in to the game but considering Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias out there, did one of the nests really have to be spiders?
Im hoping there will be an accessibility setting to swap the models of the spiders to something else client-side, or just replace the spiders with almost anything else because until either of those things happen, a lot of people with arachnophobia simply cannot play the game now.