Forum Discussion
It's cool respawn is exploring new gameplay ideas but I think the addition of spiders to the map poses alot of problems.
Personally I'm an extreme case. When I see spiders it can trigger, seizures, shakes and vomiting. But the average person finds them just as unsettling, scary or gross. And think it would be worthwhile to explore a solution in one of EAs most popular games. Especially when other games have specific Arachnophobia sliders or removal mods.
You cant just play stormpoint and avoid them
-they are about 1/3 of the POIs and at almost every rotation point
-presents problems when the ring starts centering around said rotation points and POIs
-cant get loot, care packages or third partie where they are at
-they are in the loot boxes
-someone can trigger them and they will not roam around the area
-its a charm you cannot avoid getting in the battlepass
I get it. some people are going to say "sOmE PeOpLe hAvE A WaTeR PhObIa sHoUlD We gEt rId oF AlL ThE WaTeR" arachnophobia is Thee most common phobia out there and would make logical sense for this accommodation.
the addition to spiders really limits gameflow, freedom and tactical advantage for those with the most common phobia out there. the devs spent alot of time putting them into the game so they cant just be removed, but what im proposing including a setting to just replace the model with something else like :T posing bears Bears, pigs, a blue box? Heck why not model swap them with Nessy?!
i understand the map is new but starting the season off with not being able to play for 7 days isnt fun. i and many others have to avoid this map altogether. so if i log on and its in play id have to wait 1hr for the map to change, if your friends are getting on and its in rotation you're gunna just have to sit out or play something else. and if you play ranked you're gunna have to miss out on a entire split!
People already arnt buying the battle pass because of the value, not being able to freely play the game is giving another reason to just skip out on the battle pass for this season. something needs to be done
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