Forum Discussion
I hope the matchmaking update is included in S16. The matchmaking is the single worst thing about this game.
It is almost as if you're rewarded for creating smurf accounts in this game.
A smurf account is held back from harder lobbies until certain rank. Then EOMM will kick in afterwards and mix with all sorts. Saw rank 12 get 4K 20 bomb whilst spectating. Definitely not a one week player then. He will probably create another account to reset himself. Maybe that is the way EA want people to play going forward even if it means:
Just means going through 15 min tutorial and stuck with first Legends from Season 1. Guessing maining Lifeline isn't a bad thing.
Cosmetics lost when creating new account.
EA does allow multiple accounts, but not if a person is doing so to bypass a ban.
- r1ggedgame3 years agoSeasoned Ace@PeterN_UK im not really angry bcs of smurfs ect.
Im angry bcs i keep getting lied to !
Phony excuses/explainations that dont add up, thats what we get- XHelperZ3 years agoHero
Matchmaking isn't something that's fixed in a single update, it will become better over time.
- r1ggedgame3 years agoSeasoned Ace@XHelperZ its not that the issue is occuring since yesterday ... i dont think it take 3 years to come up with a new one.
- 3 years ago@PeterN_UK Im personally ready to just keep smurfing. Game is absolutely terrible in solo so i feel like its only fair to ruin other peoples experience.
- 3 years ago
That behavior will get you hardware banned for sure. The devs said that exactly this is what the illegal smurfing is in a tweet, i.e to create multiple account over and over to get into the "1-1.5 weeks" noob lobbies. So I would strongly advice against this.What its all about is that EVERYONE want to feel like the big man. Everyone wants to be able to get at least 1000+ dmg, 4-5 kills per game on an average. But if you think about it, this kind of matchmaking is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Even in theoretically perfectly "fair" matchmaking, you would only average 1 KD and 5% win rate. But even at this SBMM, people would still cry about "unfair matchmaking", even if its the pure definition of a fair matchmaking. I admit that playing 1 KD average matches is not that fun so I understand that people take the easy way out (instead of actually gridning until they are good enough to get better average KD). But if you are around 1 KD, then at least be smart enough to say what you really want: you want to be feel like a pro and therefore play in easy lobbies =)
- HappyHourSumwur3 years agoSeasoned Ace
@NerfMyAimPlzI am solidly average with a KDR of around 1.0. In reality, it is probably closer to 0.85 since I rage quit to lobby a bunch, especially when the matchmaking is on a tear.
My unfair matchmaking complaint is about the quality of my losses and the relative skill of both my teammates and opponents. I go 10 games or so with teammates worse than me and getting absolutely obliterated in embarrassing fashion almost every time. I'll go 5-6 games without a kill, too. Then the EOMM will send me my morphine drip game & I'll "pop off" for 5-6 kills and about 1,500 damage. I'm just barely holding off from uninstalling . . . but just barely.
I am obviously not good enough to carry anyone and yet this game seems to think I am.
All of that combined is what makes the player experience absolutely horrible about 1/3rd of the time.
If they don't fix matchmaking in S16, none of the other crap they are adding or changing will make any difference. It will still be the same old Apex matchmaking BS.
- 3 years ago
smurf accaunts are not a problem i m Prestige 300 somting still get match with lvl 30, 40, 50 and thry are equaly skilled as i I,you all need to understend that game is 4 years old and anbody from 200 hours can play like dude with 2000 hours,game get older skill gap is smaler
- Midnight97463 years agoHero
@Miky69CROregardless, no one should see a masters player in a lower ranked lobby, especially one who's in the silver ranking playing with two wall hackers.
- 3 years ago
Smurf accounts at this point are definitely a problem. Never seen as many as the last two seasons. Another problem with the smurf accounts is what it does to MM. The MM doesn't need anything to make it feel worse than it already does.
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