Forum Discussion
It was already too far with the last nerf, this has gone beyond that now.. literally cant ever 1v1 a gibraltar unless the opponent is bad. Low profile needs to be removed, or Wraith needs to be reworked, she now needs to be buffed; people dont realise that the high pick rates are due to people becoming attached to the legends. It's an awful feeling having to replace a legend you're fond of because they're at a big disadvantage, I'm sick of Respawn's unwarranted nerfing of good, enjoyable legends. Wattson got the biggest nerf in this patch because her legs are the big majority of her hitbox, absolutely unbelievable
There's a reason why Wraith and Pathfinder are the one-two combo for most used in the game, they are small and hard to hit with the absolute best tactically useful skills.
I hope they continue to nerf the ever loving * out of both of them just so other legends get used.
- 5 years ago
@S8N_Spawn Nerfing the hell out of other characters isn’t always the answer. Buffs can be given to other legends to help out. If you nerf certain characters to the ground you are going to lose a good amount of your player base. It just sounds to me like you are tired of facing those characters because they may be better players. Yes some of the characters are smaller which makes them “hard to hit” but you got to remember those characters have a 5% damage intake increase on them. Most of better players play path and wraith because other characters have underwhelming abilities and need buffs. Some people just play the characters because they like their lure. Also on top of that I just think the game needs new legends in general. Nerfing characters I invested my time in isn’t going to make me want to switch and play different legends and that’s just facts.😂
- 5 years ago@NerfGameKiller Agree for sure it's not always the answer, and yes they could definitely buff other characters. The problem with that though is with all of the legends abilities as they are will never be buffed enough to be better than what Wraith and Pathfinder have currently when it comes to tactical advantage. There is little to no negatives for picking either of them, and 5% additional damage means nothing when you're missed more often due to size and movement mechanics as well has two of the best escape skills (again, with zero negative effects, Wraith taking half a second to pull up her gun when coming out of the void means nothing when you never use it for offense).
And no, I'm not tired of facing those legends because they are better players, I'm tired of facing those legends because they're always picked.- 5 years ago
@S8N_Spawn I understand where you are coming from. In general the game just needs more legends to change the % on the pick rate. There is nothing we can really do about that. And a 5% damage intake increase vs a non or 15% damage reduction will make or break you in a lot of fights people underestimate that. Apply a -5% decrease vs no decrease vs. +15% increase to anything in the game or in life in general you will see a difference. Me personally, I don’t have a hard time hitting low profile characters And a lot of other players don’t. This is also based off skill level and situations in game.You got to remember wraith has already had nerfs on her tactical which made it slower and with a 35 second Cooldown. That is bigger than you know. On top of that you can see her trail, she can’t open doors and she moves the same speed in her tactical. Her tactical also has a delay which has gotten me killed many times due to the animation. And as for the aiming part I think that a lot of players who play wraith and path are good and strafing and dodge bullets. Don’t get me wrong their size does help but I think once again it’s based off skills. If a wraith is just running at me head on she is going to die but if she is moving left to right obviously it’s going to be hard to hit her. But she also takes less bullets to finish her. And there are ways they can make legends skills better to be on par with wraith and path. Once again you play a legend that you are good with. I know octanes,cryptos, Watsons, that can take out wraiths no problem because they know how to play around it. You can read the post I just gave to @Sir_Named @there are ways to buff the other legends to help with the pick rate issues and even the tactical aspect of the game. I appreciate your respond though and I do see where you’re coming from.💯
I also think I accidentally deleted my earlier reply but once a wraith enters her void that is your time to push her that means she has a bad position in which you would win the fight or she is on the brink of death. There are more ways I can talk about how to play against wraith but this reply is already long enough.
- 5 years ago
Only complete noobs will change a game, when they nerf their toy. Wraith was OP since day, so she deserve every single nerf she received so far and she is still top 3 character, that strong she is it.
Buffing other is not always the answer. Because you make them overpowered or just make a lot of things too imbalance. The game is in a good state.
Stop crying about Wraith, when no one come close to her.
Go try to use Octane or Mirrage and then come crying.5% more damage is nothing, you get that ? Its 10 more damage, if you have full hp/armor at 200, which is nothing compare to how many bullets she dodge because of her broken hitbox.
And she is played mainly because when you start strafing she start disappearing and good luck at hitting her. As well as her great escape mechanism and great ulty. - 4 years ago
Say, I buff crypto so his drone can see wraith when she teleporting, thats indirectly a nerf, to Wraith but a buff to crypto right? Wrong thats just nerfing their abilities
- 5 years ago@S8N_Spawn I play wraith still because of how long I've used her and the amount of money I've invested. not because she has an advantage.
- 5 years ago
Alright, tried Wraith out in duos with a friend. We did pretty well, won one game and got 2nd for the next 2.
Wraith, is good. She isn't op, but she isn't really weak either.
Her best ability felt like her portal, as I could basically rush without much fear. Plus, my teammate could go through portal while I was healing and finish off someone. (He was Octane).
She doesn't need any buffs, but she also really need any nerfs either. I think Wraith is fine as she is rn.
- 4 years ago
Ehh like someone else mentioned, she what what we call a dont kill me button, which is in legend based games such as league, they are abilities which essentially allow the player to leave a fight no questions asked, wraith has this with her tactical shes low she leaves, these are generally considered OP, because of the cooldown, and the fact that once they leave you cant track them
- 5 years ago@SG_Trigger131 So her getting a nerf shouldn't matter to you then, IF you play her solely because of how long you've used her and the amount of money you invested.
- 5 years ago
a moment ago
@S8N_Spawn how does that even make sense? The fact that I use the character consistently means that it affects me just the same as any other wraith main. I love wraith, her powers, her story, her character (all infinity of them in every dimension) I spent so much money on her trying to get everything for her because I am fascinated with her. I can't tell you the amount of times I've looked over her personal area looking for another Easter Egg that isn't there! All I was trying to say really is that sometimes people have more of a reason to be a wraith main than "she's OP" because the facts show that she's not. Especially now. People just refuse to want to get better at aiming and moving. People don't want to have to out skill another player they just want them to die with the push of a button. Wraith is too easy to kill now, and honestly I never found killing another wraith to be difficult. But now I find surviving 3 teams at one more difficult than it was last year. The truth is that you can destroy teams with ANY character in the game. But everyone likes to use wraith because she's cool, relatable. mysterious, interesting, and she has NINJA SKINS XD. Face it Wraith is just a badass looking character, so all the good kids want to pick her and they're d*mn good at using her. So I guess I'll leave you with this:
SpoilerJust because your aim is bad does not mean the Devs need to make a large group of players have disadvantages just for you to feel like a winner. UWU
- 4 years ago
ma perche' 'non ti fai una vita pezzente
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