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341 Replies
I can confirm it does not increase in 5 minute intervals. So far I've had a 5, 15, and 30, and now 45 minute penalty. In all but one case, I forgot about the penalty and instinctively left when down with no hope my teammates were going to survive... just an unlooted guy standing in corner praying he didn't get bloodhound found.
- @TechnoButt
you have to quit 2 times in a row to get penalty, right? and every time you try to quit, games asks "are you sure", right?
and you still manage to get penalties? - @TechnoButt Last time i got banned for 5hrs
Rosa parks had a choice to sit in the front either tho cops asks are you sure. Well we all know what rose parks did and she got arrested for a cause. I will get this penalty till the change it for a cause.
I think the abandon penalty is a terrible addition. Add duos and solos. Get rid of it. The only penalty for leaving early should be losing your points. I got stuck watching a potato aim hide in corners for 10 min. Horrible addition.
I don’t think ea understands how many players are going to stop playing because of this ...some people don’t go back and pick up there teammates banners they keep going and playing the game either with themselves or the other teammate that also didn’t decide to pick u up and now your stuck waiting till the match is over that’s crazy you should be able to back out when u want I got a 40 min penalty today for backing out cus my group decided last min to drop in at another point of the map instead of what’s was marked and when I went down because I was alone they were across the map they weren’t going to come get me so EA I’m suppose to just sit there now until the Match is over honestly I’m going to stop playing this game if you keep this nonsense and I don’t think I’m The only one who feels this way if your going to keep The abandon penalty use it in ranked matches only give people a choice of how they want to play
- "you should be able to back out when u want"
nobody forces you to play ranked.
if you can't accept how it is now, then don't play ranked.
i personally don't see problem and i think there is reason why team mates don't re-spawn you... - @gtony66 Tbh the banner timer doesn't take that long to wind down. If your playing with randoms you have to expect randomness.
Up to 1634 hours Coolio
- Anonymous6 years ago@Gfjdkdjxjdkfi The only likely reasons this happens is 1 - you trash talk your team or 2 - you're so far out of position it's not practical to get you.
It's actually quite rare in ranked that people don't try and get your banner, even in risky situations so I find it hard to believe this is a common issue.
Lastly, consider finding some people to group up with.
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