Forum Discussion
Mouse players move the SAME speed. They CAN look around faster, but that doesn't mean they can move faster. Most decent controller players can move nearly identical to what a MnK player can do.
The aim assist is strong in Apex, it's just even more obnoxious in games like BF2042 and Halo. You have to strafe for it to engage. It's incredibly strong if you know how to use it.
Tap strafe being a thing shouldn't negate the discussion around aim assist. "MnK players can tap-strafe, therefore it's balanced". Tap-strafe is near impossible to use in most actual gunfights. Some people like Faide are One in a million players, not everyone can have that internal timing down to the actual millisecond, paired with the mechanical ability to actually use it. Most Pros don't even play using any crazy movement tech. They use positioning and understand the game mechanics. Aim is king in this game. Plus, there's a lot of people using macros to hop around in impossible ways, or just cheating, like no movement penalties.
A mouse will feel better for most people to use, but that doesn't mean you'll play better with it. So let's give incentive for people to start using it more on PC. Like I said earlier, everyone I played with switched to controller, top players switched, pros have switched, there's a simple reason for it, one reason, AIM ASSIST. It needs to go away on PC already.
I'm a fan of them removing Tap-Strafe. You either make things a mechanic for everyone to use, or take it out of the game. On 20 tick servers, it can make tracking near impossible at times. Somehow some people can abuse the lurch to do some weird abrupt movements, that's not fun for 99% of the player base. I bet even the nerds that say "get good" complain about it when it happens to them.
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