Instant Shield Heal Cheat
Mid fight the enemy will full heal. There's no death boxes around, they don't have a Conduit, there is no animation of them healing, and they do this while shooting back.
Anyone else see this? I've seen it a few times now, and it's gotta be a cheat. There's no possible way to heal that quickly while firing back. I could understand if the animation was missing, that doesn't really happen though, and if it did, that's a huge integrity issue to the game as well. You NEED to be able to read the situation accurately in order to make decisions.
If the walling and aimbots weren't enough, we got stuff like this. I'm almost certain that there's gotta be all sorts of minor things cheaters can do, that do eventually add up to huge advantages. Like removing sway from weapons, fall animations and penalties, no slow down, aim smoothing, and you get the idea.
I've been having a pretty good time this season, but every play sessions is tainted by people just blatantly cheating. Hitting shots that would be 1 out of a 1000 over and over again. There's just no way the average Apex player is as, if not more consistent, than the top tier Pro players, just no way.