Forum Discussion
@W3stminst3rLast night was the worst night I've had so far playing apex. The cheating was so bad I was getting one shotted in every mode I tried. I would get about 15 damage on the person and they would hit me once (rapid fire cheat that dumps whole round at once) and I'd die.
This game is just making me angry now and is getting very frustrating. It's not just my skills either since I used to play a lot better than this and my stats were much better before the problems started.
Also, it's not bad matchmaking since I don't care how good you are the stuff these players do is not possible in the game, like instant one shots, swimming through the air, invincibility where shots go right through them, etc. Also, you can't tell me it's just me because everyone I've talked to are complaining of the same things.
I miss how good this game was, but one more night like last night I'm uninstalling. If they let these people take their game over, they are going to lose their game since there's no way a publicly traded company like EA sports will continue to finance something that is losing players each month because only a private club of cheaters can play. I'll be happy when that new patch comes out that's supposed to block cheaters.
@AymCTL wrote:@W3stminst3rLast night was the worst night I've had so far playing apex. The cheating was so bad I was getting one shotted in every mode I tried. I would get about 15 damage on the person and they would hit me once (rapid fire cheat that dumps whole round at once) and I'd die.
This game is just making me angry now and is getting very frustrating. It's not just my skills either since I used to play a lot better than this and my stats were much better before the problems started.
Also, it's not bad matchmaking since I don't care how good you are the stuff these players do is not possible in the game, like instant one shots, swimming through the air, invincibility where shots go right through them, etc. Also, you can't tell me it's just me because everyone I've talked to are complaining of the same things.
I miss how good this game was, but one more night like last night I'm uninstalling. If they let these people take their game over, they are going to lose their game since there's no way a publicly traded company like EA sports will continue to finance something that is losing players each month because only a private club of cheaters can play. I'll be happy when that new patch comes out that's supposed to block cheaters.
This game isn't a serious competitive game, don't take it too seriously. Respawn and EA certainly don't. 20 tick servers are a complete joke for "competitive" play. Then on top of that, they designed the game to balance out high ping players with low, to try and make it "fair".
It's a fun game, but it has a massive cheater problem. Even with the state they banned all these cheaters, it's F2P, and those cheaters are back within minutes. The anti-cheat needs to be automated to some extent to be effective, otherwise you can't keep up.
These companies rather make as much money as possible rather then give us the best version of their game.
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