And that changes what exactly? Does it really matter if you have more overall shield health if you are low or completely out of shields when the third party comes?
Idk, it's still day one of the update. Maybe it's too soon to say either way.
To me it feels like it's more early game before you get that evo shield to red that the TTK is felt but after you hit that red it feels like business as usual and since I'm getting to more fights that red shield comes fast. Then by end game the remaining squads have all had red shields. I have not seen a single blue shield and maybe one or two purples. It just feels like everyone is on a more even playing field throughout the match. I feel like people are being too reactionary. Let's just give it some time before flooding the forum and jumping on the devs for "killing the game".
Maybe some tweaks will find a happy medium, who knows.