Apex Cross-progression pop up
Hi All,
I played Apex from S1 on PSN and moved to XBOX some years ago, Now I found out there is a cross progression I would like to get in to the game again using my old account.
Now I accured below problem.
I got the pop up and it said I don`t have any other accounts, So I checked MY EA and found out that PSN was not yet linked to my EA account. I have now linked my PSN account with EA but I can not find anyway to get the pop up again to select the PSN account as main account.
Any help to get the popup again so i can select PSN account instead of the XBOX one?
Thank you!
Hello @TotalDennis,
unfortunately, progress cannot be transferred from one EA account to another. So if you played Apex on the Playstation, when it was linked to a different EA account, then the progress is linked to that EA account, and there is no way to transfer it over to another EA account. So there is no way of merging your PSN and your Xbox progress.
If you want to play with your PSN progress on a different platform, you will have to relink it to the old EA account and log into that EA account. However, as you already unlinked and relinked your PSN account, there is a chance that your PSN progress was damaged by that and there is no guarantee that you can get your PSN progress back, even after linking it back.