I have no problem playing with any of my friends list from a range of different places. Some people from nearby, some from across the state, some from several states away, some from my neighbor. We can all party up and no problems whatsoever. However, I am trying to play with my girlfriend and out of approximately 6 attempts to join a game together, it has worked exactly one time. Every other time, it will join, but then one of us will go to the home screen with a code:leaf error, and the other will enter the game without a third teammate. It seems random who gets kicked out to the menu.
My girlfriend and I are in the same house. We use the same internet connection. We have played countless games of Overwatch together without ever having an issue connecting. We use different xbox accounts. It worked one time without problem just an hour ago, but no other game before or since has connected properly. Any idea what's up here?