Hello guys, how is everyone doing?
I wanted to address an issue that has been present in my games for months now. Presumably since Season 4 or even late Season 3. I have seen other players sharing similar experiences here on Answer HQ but never quite the same as mine and a concrete solution was never given, so I decided to open up a new thread discussing this issue.
Apex has never been the most stable game for me. Ever since launch, I had to tinker around with my setting quite a lot and wait for a few patches by Respawn until I finally got it to work without any problems. But ever since Season 3, I would guess, I have noticed an issue that I still encounter up to this day. Whenever I am on the dropship or trying to drop and fly to my destination, there is a chance that my game will suddenly freeze. I will be stuck with the current frame that has been displayed right before the game froze for several seconds while the audio is either glitching around or not playing at all. Depending on how long the freeze lasted, I will either be able to return dropping to the ground and play the game as if nothing happened, or be stuck in the air for a few second, then lose connection and get kicked out of the game due to a "code:net" error. I should also mention that this kind of lag and freeze ONLY ever happens while either being on the dropship or during the process of dropping. I have not encountered this issue during any other parts of my matches yet. Once I touch the ground, it's not happening anymore.
Ever since the rejoin option as been implemented in Season 5, at least this issue has been less annoying with a chance of rejoining the match and not abandonning my team mates. However, it's not always helpful if I end up dropping right into a fight and die, and it is not a real solution to the problem either. I hope there is a way to fix this issue since, if it found its way into the game, there's gotta be a way to get it out again, so to say, haha.
Any questions to resolve this issue are welcome. Thanks for your attention. And please share your experiences if you had any similar issues with the game.
Have a nice day. 🙂