Forum Discussion
Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox One S
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Cerberus5959
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Wraith
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Nothing
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. In the lobby and in game. Can't hear or talk to members. One was a ps4 player. Party chat works, so apex fault
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? Yes
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? Could not resolve and tried a few games.
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) After update
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? It has been since update that my game chat is not working at all.
What should be happening instead? I should have gamechat
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I stream. I can show you. I don't even get a mic icon by my name and it appears I'm in a part even though I'm not.
Game chat won't work at all for me since update. Shows I'm in a party even if I'm not. I've reinstalled, reset my xbox, changed headset to stereo sound, tried a different controller and headset all together. Works on other games and in party chat. But not apex.
- 5 years ago
I'm facing the same issue on my PS4 console since the season 4 update. While I play from my brother's account obviously on the same console it's all fine , I can hear people and they can hear me too. It works in the party but cross play doesn't allow pc people to the party. NEED HELP ASAP !!!
- 5 years ago
Cannot hear cross platform chat. Xbox users I can hear fine, PS4 are always silent, even if the other Xbox players can hear them.
- EA_David5 years ago
Community Admin
Hi, I know this is a generic response, but this is being looked into. Long sessions can be a factor, so a periodic client restart may help.
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