Game gets stuck on Character Selection/Champion Squad screen before match starts
I play on PS4 and i live in Pakistan. The issue I've been facing is that my game gets stuck on character selection screen or when they're showing the champion squad at the start of the match. The screen just remains black with the lobby or the selection music playing in the background after the announcer says "This is your champion" but nothing happens after that and the game stays on that blank screen. Please note that i get around 150 ping on EU servers and 50-60 on Bahrain servers. I can play public matches just fine on Bahrain servers without any issue. The problem arises when i want to play ranked. I can barely find ranked matches on Bahrain servers (mostly have to wait anywhere from 8 to 15 mins and max level up to Gold). Platinum and above, cant find any ranked matches on Bahrain. Which is why in order to play ranked i have to connect to EU servers with 150 ping and honestly, i'm fine with the ping and don't have a problem with it. The issue is that on the EU servers, my first 2-3 matches would be fine whether its pubs or ranked but mostly after that my game gets stuck on character selection or champion squad screen. My only option then is to close the application and start again and wait to be put back into the match (if my team hasn't died). I solo queue and have lost a lot of RP because of this issue along with ruining the experience of my other teammates in the previous season because i'm basically disconnected 80% of the time. Is there any solution for this? This has been happening since September 2020, before that it never happened.
I've tried almost all of the troubleshooting methods provided on the website, opened ports, tried DMZ, tried UPNP but nothing seems to get rid of this issue. I've contacted my ISP and asked them to optimize my routing, they asked for the IP addresses which i found on a post online and provided it to them and they said that the routing is optimized according to my trace route and MTR results. I haven't been able to play ranked properly for the past 4 seasons now and it gets pretty frustrating playing pubs all the time. Can someone please help me out with this issue?