High ping issues with optical fiber
Hi everyone,
Im opening this because since the last update, I have issues with high ping experience.
Im located in France, I get optical fiber with ~ 800 Mb/s downloading and ~ 9 ping when I make tests on internet. I have an ethernet connection and I use to choose the Belgium servers suggested by Apex (~28 ping).
In most of cases my game is fluid with about 35-40 ms of ping which is great, but I don't know why, maybe every 3-4 games, I have like 160-170 ms ping during the entire game whereas my friends (who I play with in the squad) have a normal ping, and they are on the same server than me (Belgium GCE2 most of time).
Sometimes it happens during 2-3 games in a row, and returns to normal when we start a new one.
I guess that is related to the servers, because when I make speed tests while playing when I have the problem, my connection is still very good and my ping aswell...
Could somebody guide me to prevent this trouble ? Is there some options/tips I could use to avoid this ?
Anyone has the same problem ?
I dont have this problem in other multiplayer games...
Thank you 🙌