2 years ago
Infinite loading
I updated to get the new update and now Apex kick me out and gives me a infinite initializing loading screen on the main menu when I try to rejoin and it only last until the game ends.
I updated to get the new update and now Apex kick me out and gives me a infinite initializing loading screen on the main menu when I try to rejoin and it only last until the game ends.
Are you on PC?
If so, do you have any external storage connected to your PC? (e.c USB Pen/Flashdrive, Drive Dock, External SSD/HDD, SD Cards, etc)
Try unplugging external storage, as this could trigger a flag in EAC, causing this issue.
I play on a laptop and I have a external storage and I actually have Apex stored in that so I don’t think I can unplug it.
Ah I see, seems like you are one of the few unlucky people that is encountering this issue.
I'm not really well versed with this variant of the issue, so hopefully someone else knows a fix for this.
Personally I'd recommend checking the settings in your Antivirus and Firewall to allow Apex to pass through without any problems.
It might also be worth a try to run Apex with administrator privileges.