4 years ago
Joystick Support
I'm considering pre-ordering as I have for past Battlefield games but wanted to know more about any details regarding support for joysticks. I find flying with them is much better but support for the...
Ok I get that. All controllers are hidden via Hid hide, and dont show up in windows devices.
I have Mapped Xoutput from my Joystick to the controller. I test it in windows under the game controllers/properties to verify in real time that my joystick is sending commands to the ps4 controller, and it is.
I load BF2042, and the DS4 controller works, and Is being emulated as an XBOXController so the game will use it.
I can use it to drive vehicle, and fly, and even remap keys INSIDE BF2042 by going to the keymapping tab, and testing if the controller will allow me to change commands directly. It works.
For some reason, that for the life of me I just cant seem to figure out, the Xoutput to contoller mapping doesnt work once BF2042 is loaded, even though it still sends commands simultaneously Through windows game controllers/Properties tab, and I can see it actively working.
What am I missing?
Good lord, we had to do a work around for bad company for this with helicopters and it was terrible. I hope EA does the rightful joystick support for this. I would not of paid so much for it if I new they were going to not have joystick support.
@YUG-Danilo wrote:
@KRAZEY_402Set in game controller scheme to custom?
Yes I did that, and through trial and error finally found the issue.
I assumed that I still had to have DS4 windows active to make this work.
I simplified the equation, and turned that off completely and removed the DS4 from it all together.
XOutput and Hid Hide were all I needed.
I had all setting correct, and had nothing to do but tweak the controls after turning off DS4Windows.
i followed all the instructions as posted, i still see the game controller showing the joystick even when i use HidHide to hide it. I'm missing something