Forum Discussion
Simple solution, different XP rates for bot difficulty levels, 100% for hard, 60% for medium & 20% for easy. I suppose for progression (1 hard difficulty bot kill / 2 medium bot kills / 3 easy bot kills) could count as 1 mastery kill. In portal, XP could be just earned over time spent in game (match bonus), then settings don't matter.
- 4 years ago@Kurohebi I'm trying to find the advertisement that says kill ai cannon fodder bots and get all unlocks. I can't find it.
- 4 years ago@WienerBeard No need to be disingenuous. It was stated that progression in Portal would be carried over in the rest of the game. By virtue of you being able set the AI to "cannon fodder bots" means you can get all unlocks in that manner if you so desire. I didn't make the game. I merely bought it based on what they said it would be.
- 4 years ago@Kurohebi Dice/Ea stated yea you can earn xp in Portal. Sadly they didn't state the obvious for the exploiters. It's almost like needed a warning on Tide Pods saying "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION". Dude you really thought it be fine unlocking everything by shooting statues? come on guy. If the bots were a challenge it would be different.
- 4 years ago
I am having such a hard time understanding these professional gamers over here in the forum laughing at the PVE audience for not being able to progress now in solo/coop.
"Earn it the hard way" You mean buying shortcut bundles in the store on the 19th? You arent special just because you play multiplayer guys. We paid for this game because we were told we could progress vs AI, we paid 100 usd for this.
- 4 years ago
@WienerBeardA quote from the official page (emphasis mine): "All experience you earned in Battlefield™ 2042 is universal and shared across all its modes, which means you’ll be leveling up and unlocking new weapons, gadgets, and cosmetics no matter which mode you’re playing."
- 4 years ago
@AnaghyaYep and that's a true statement. Then BAM a bunch of servers pop up saying, "hurry come farm before it's patched."
Exploiting is not part of that statement.
lol you guys are funny.
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