Forum Discussion
I think it's a wonderful thing that jetts are very bad. The game hasn't been this enjoyable in years. Personally I haven't had nearly as many issues with hit reg as you claim my shots land just fine. This for me atleast has been one of the most smooth releases the franchise has seen in years we should really be applauding these developers before we shame them for a "bad" product. You should have been around for like any other release in battlefield. But for balance changes I will say.
Keep jetts nerfed too the floor. It's just to oppressive of a vehicle if left unchecked nothing can really counter it besides other jetts in previous titles. (Maybe aa tanks if the Jett pilot isn't that good). I would even go as far as to say, you should nerf the jetts ability to like "stealth lock on" why I say this is because personally when a Jett locks onto me by the time I found out if they are close enough the missle has already hit me. Giving me a bit more warning would be nice and sometimes my flares just don't work against their rockets period which I'm sure is a bug I hope. The only reason they need to stay this way is because sure they are fun to go 100+ and 0 deaths in but doesn't that say something... the receiving end of these being a strong utility is just honestly not fun at all and leaves little to no counter play. Atleast if a heli is op, there is hacking, infantry AA, AA tank ( which we can't really kill that at all tbh) a Jett, and sometimes tanks depending on where they are at lol. But jetts on the other hand.. their counter play becomes don't fly too close to the AA tank, and if there isn't another Jett pilot of similar caliber you kinda just get clipped until the God Jett pilot gets bored or goes 140-0. It's not good for the longevity of the game. After the beta I went to battlefield 3 (jetts are more weak in this version btw) and the game was virtually unplayable. The moment your spotted in a helicopter you die in 1 strafe 95% of the time without a single ounce of counter play besides ecn jamming to smoke yourself then pray your don't get 1 strafed but let's all be real here the second strafe comes so fast your gonna die anyways. And if you wanna play infantry and they have the best Jett player you just get completely destroyed by helicopters tanks and anything, because everything that moves on your team gets melted by a Jett.
TL:DR don't ever buffs jetts if anything nerf them if you want a larger community long term
Attack helicopters
I think besides the Russian 30mm on pilot they are actually balanced I have been gunned down in squads in transport choppers many times it takes more damage kills me faster and moves as fast as me if not faster. The only balance change I think they need is to possibly make not 100% on this, would be to move a bit faster. Now I wanna be specific here by moving faster I do not mean being able to move faster sideways to do donuts better like old school bad co 2 I mean forward movement to be able to run away or avoid situations. Also they have to be slower and less maneuverable then scouts so a slight increase in forward movement.
Transport helis
Honestly pretty good it takes team work to make this dream work but boy does it work.
Scout helis
Kinda busted the 20mm are a little op and I agree with maybe making the rocket pods more vehicle oriented and moving the power over to the mini guns for a more skill based experience. I think by far this is the strongest air vehicle being so fast It can escape a lot of situations along with the versatility of the rest of the weapons. It's only really weak against AA tanks which makes sense.
Assault rifles
I really think if you wanted to have an increase time to kill you should have lowered the damage and kept the accuracy. I also agree with the beta being significantly more satisfying for the gun play. Now ima bring up apex for a second. Personally apex legends is only good because the gun play it feels much more skill based there really isn't a lot of luck involved and if your really good and yoy have moment while hitting your shots it feels fantastic. This game had elements of that in the beta but with the current iteration of assault rifles just feels awkward and a smg is just superior.
Should be less effective at range and maybe very slight more effective close for an exchange of power I would be careful about buffing it tho.
My hit reg has been fine and it felt really good for the small time ive played on it
Personally haven't played enough infantry to give a fair review on anything else.
Although I haven't played in them and I don't know if they are really over powered but shooting them with AT missiles and being a chopper or infantry it just feels like they are a little hard to kill and could take a bit more then 20 damage per rpg. Now I can understand why you wouldn't nerf tanks given the player count increase might make the obsolete but it does feel a bit difficult at times to remove an AA tank or even a regular tank from one of the conquest flags outside deployment.
Net code, stability, performance
I wanna give any developer a shout out as this has been a release that passes with flying colors compared to previous titles. If your track record says anything about the future of this game I have 0 doubt in my mind that within a pretty reasonable amount of time you should have a majority of performance problems and optimization down. Hopefully it's not like mantling in bf3 which took a long time to fix.
I just wanted to take another moment to appreciate just how good of a job the developers have done. Especially given the restrictions with covid etc this has been a fantastic early access. I honestly can't wait for the first couple stability and optimization patches to boost frame rate a bit and this is gonna be one phenomenal game with incredible replay ability. I'm also blown away by just how great the portal gameplay is I really was afraid that it would be done like many other franchises and just slop together an "old school" game for some cash. But it really feels and plays like the old titles respectively. If there is one criticism I can give it, sometimes it can be slightly inconsistent but nothing that completely ruins the game or would consider making me refund. If your thinking about buying battlefield and maybe past titles have let you down, I would give this atleast a 5$ ea pass and take the 10 hour free trial. It's such a fantastic game and again it still has yet to have optimization patches, bug fixes etc. Keep up the good work it's amazing.
- 4 years ago
does anyone else here have any issues with how many shots are needed to kill from the assault rifles, i just feel like it takes too long to kill people, is this just me or does anyone else feel this way.
- 4 years ago
Also what about guided missle? rly? we have only M5 for all purpose and for air targets FXM :v
i want to see option "Skip all cutscanes" i understand that game was created in era of BattleRoyal but it's now some kind of dead :x BattleField must be alive no matter what it's the king amoung all games he point futures , he point the way of new games will came
Killcams are sooo fu**** usless i want not see them any more ;c
i think it's all what i want to see but it's not over YET ! :D
- 4 years ago
@KantusxJets should not be a garbage vehicle just because you don't like it.
Your opinion can be translated to "I don't like getting killed by jets and I'm too lazy to learn how to counter them so keep them nerfed to the floor so only i can have fun strafing everyone on a helicopter"
Sorry but jets need a serious buff, they're meant to be the weakest but at the same time the most powerful of the entire game.
Low armor, health and high skill ceiling but in exchange high firepower and speed if you manage dominate it.
The vehicles have to be balanced not nerfing them to the ground to benefit other players, your opinion is not constructive and definitely not helping to improve the game at all.- 4 years ago
It's not about me not liking it, its the levels of oppression it can put on a team with little to no counter play available. i think personally if you wanna make jetts stronger you need to let anything lock onto it from atleast 900 meters. if you have any other ideas what kind of counter play jetts have let me know. but as of right now even as bad as the jets are you still kinda can't die in one unless you kill yourself. they just escape any situation they can put themselves in. but thankfully in this title, they don't * insta kill you.
- 4 years ago@Kantusx Jets never instakilled anyone except for the attacks jets with the JDAM bomb which makes sense because is unguided, risky and requires a lot of skill to land them.
Little to no counter available? Dont make me laugh, the AA camper on the main HQ that never dies, 128 possible stingers, helicopters with heatseekers, the little bird machine gun does beast damage against jets, attack heli TOWS, other enemy jets can lock on to you when flying below radar.
If you're too lazy to use all those countermeasures available that's your problem, jets need a serious buff of absolutely everything. They are a harassing machine that can't kill anything.
The idea is to get everything balanced not nerfing somenthing to the ground and leave it unusable.
- 4 years ago
Also, !!!! VoIP!!!!!!
Copy and paste BF2 choppers and planes
Rounds need to last a little longer
Endgame kill death scoreboard
Water vehicles where available
Make littlebird cannons stronger
AR'S are useless
DMR,s aren't much better
- 4 years ago@Hostil90one Its so sad that making 15 kills with jets is considered good because of how bad the flying mechanics are.
- 4 years ago@Kantusx TBH the single most important thing before the official releasedate is to fix the damn servers. The servers are about to have a stroke constantly in every damn match.
If the servers can't even handle Early Access players, then what's going to happen on releaseday when people come flooding in? I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of players wont be able to get in the game, and the rest wont be able to leave the spawn because of rubberband pulling them back there when they try to leave.- 4 years ago
Welcome to any battlefield launch in the history of all battlefield launches ever. This is no surprise at all and is almost to be expected. This isn't call of duty where the game is so simple its expected to be 100% fluid and optimized... This is battlefield, would you like to hire a quality assurance team that's 128 people or more, and even then you can't predict what your servers are gonna do on launch day due to the sheer volume of players flooding in at once. You should be a little bit more educated on the back end of things before you complain about something that won't be fixed for at least a couple weeks. i will admit i am personally impressed by their responses so far. i started playing on the 12th when early access released and later that night it was impossible to actually get into a game. only a couple hours later the servers went back to being completely stable, not days just a handful of hours which is a massive improvement to the past already. I think we should all be a bit more empathetic to the developers in situations like these as its going to be a * ton of work with covid restrictions blah blah and they are honestly doing a better job right now with a game significantly larger in size then their previous titles which also contains other games inside of it. if you think the servers right now are about to have an aneurism you shoulda seen battlefield 3's launch legit unplayable for a good minute (ps this game launched with more then 1 BF title). right now i have been playing the game just fine not a whole lot of issues but i have noticed if you blow up the gigantic fuel silos like on breakaway the snow map that causes a major lag spike for like 5 seconds. So just don't, and outside of that if i ever get a lag spike its no longer then just a couple seconds and its usually server wide so its not like I'm at a disadvantage everyone is experiencing it.
- 4 years ago
was one guy in a jet really bugging you that much to the point where your cool with nobody being able to use any aircraft because of over half the lobby running aa???
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