Well, Here is my story on this.
I use a high end laptop to play and ordered a laptop cooler.
Got the cooler today and powered it all up. Went to log into the game ( BFBC2 ) and it just would not log in. It keeps saying Failure to log in soldier.
So what I proceeded to do is start searching on google for answers and finally came to this forum by typing in the error message.
The **bleep**ing problem is EA is a fukin POS!
They charge us good money to buy these games and this happens. Ok Fine I can see problems happen sometimes in life. BUT
TO leave us fuking hanging and not even bother to tell us WFT is going on?
We have to do a internet search and HOPE to find an answer using google?
I spent all fuking day on EA changing email, password and clan tag and even tried to ad a new soldier. NOTHING works.
EA doesnt even have a 1-800 number to call! I really seriously want to toss this fuking disc in the got dam
air and watch it spin into the distant night sky and hear it shatter in the dark somewhere.
Even the fuking chat support was down. All there is to offer any guidance or help is google. For real!? **bleep** you EA.
TO all the people looking at Bad Comapny 4. Reconsider. You might just buy the fuking game for Christmas and have this very same **bleep**ing **bleep** situation happen to you or your kid or the person you bought the game for.
EA cant come here and tell us wtf is going on?
They cant tell us an ETA on a fix?
To top it off about a week ago I get a email from EA saying they been hacked and highly suggest I change all my passwords.
This reminds me the the total fuking fail PS3 had with there servers. Then PS3 Offered that lame ass AllClearID bull**bleep**... ( rolls eyes )
So now I sit here with this nice laptop and cooler with a **bleep**ing douche bag game that just uses up my SSD space.
I wanna just hurl and **bleep** on EA's forehead. The **bleep**ing disrespect is so outlandish. so ridiculous!
I need a **bleep**ing pill now to relax.
I just cant beleive I spent all **bleep**ing day on this **bleep** to end up at this forum and learn it aint just me. Its wide spread. And EA is just ignoring our gestures for help..
You People ( EA ) really are a bunch of fuking assholes. Seriously.