7 months ago
Ncaa Manual
Where is the Manual for NCAA? The game instructs you to go the EA help. I see no manual or guide.
I can't figure out how to high step or taunt as I go into the end zone. This would be helpful.
I'm really kind of amazed that no one else seems to be asking about an instruction booklet. I mean, all these tutorial videos and deep dive pages are great, but they are not really a substitute for having things written down somewhere on something a player can quickly refer to. This would be extremely helpful, specially when someone is trying to learn a new game.
I'm sure EA has some sort of instructions provided with the store bought version of the game. Can't they make the same instructions available as a .pdf download?? Put it on one of your deep dive pages or something. Please.
@EA_Illium, can you please explain to us why you have not answered the question asked by this thread regarding an instruction manual? I've noticed in your two responses in this thread, you have given us links to pages that have some instructional value, but none of them contain the game's instructions,
This situation really blows my mind. How can it be so difficult to produce instructions for this rather expensive game? Is EA sports now in the habit of producing video games that don't have any instructions to them? What the hell is going on?
If I were to buy the game on disc today at the store, would that game not have any instructions in the box to go with the game disc? If that's the case, then I guess there are no instructions written for the game. But can't you just tell us if there are instructions in those game boxes or not? Why do you have to "get with the games team at EA" in order to find this out? I would think you would be able to give us that information without having to consult the "games team".
One reason i'm making such a big deal out of this is because if those game discs do have instructions to go with them, then it would seem like EA is punishing people who ordered (or pre ordered) a digital copy of the game by not providing them with the same instruction manual that any sap who buys the game at the store would get. Why would EA want to do that to people who spent as much, or more money to acquire this game online? I'd say that kind of sends people the wrong message.
So, I ask you again: Are there instructions for this game, or not? And if there are, where can we download said instructions??