Command & conquer generals and Zero hour for Windows 10 DirectX 8.1 fix!
Quick summery!
This fix mate only shows for Origin game library.
For those who uses CD "original" mate have other view on this.
So as in "EA support" claim the game is only compatible with Windows 7 Only. Well we all know that's not true, the game was released back in 2003 which means it supported Windows XP.
For those who got The Ultimate Collection the support claim to be only compatible for windows 7 well guess what, also not true. They made implantation of one or few .dll files in the installation folder.
I don't know what they do but it seem it runs on something also this files it not part of original C&C. These .dll seem only to work compatible for windows 7.
The FIX!
Resolved issue C&C General & Zero hour for Windows 10 users.
Open Installation folder for Origin games "Example"----> C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour.
Inside Open either C&C General & Zero Hour folder ---> Find specific .dll file called dbghelp.dll select the file and delete it.
Problem solved directX 8.1 Issue!