Dragon Age Keep import & Golden Nug issues [solution PC/PS4 only]
Trying to get my Dragon Age Keep world state into DAI, but everytime i get ready my New Game, Only the Default World State pops up.
I tried following this guide, but none of the troubleshooting worked. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Dragon-Age-Inquisition/Dragon-Age-Keep-Tutorials-amp-How-To/m-p/6167543/highlight/true#M71700
What are my next steps?
Mod edit: Guys, the CMs have been notified about the issue, hopefully we'll have some news soon. For now we can just be patient, sorry all. Also trying to merge all these threads into this one, sorry if it gets a bit confusing
Mod edit: There is some weirdness going on with the accepted solution. While we try to fix that, you can find @dalekroux repost for the PC/PS4 workaround here. If you can't figure out how to repeat the steps to import another state or use the golden nug, see the post by @Bethrezenxlx here.
Thanks everyone for your patience 🙂