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Shaori07's avatar
Seasoned Novice
4 months ago

[Discussion] Emmrich and Rook's relationship thoughts

Has anyone ever wondered what goes through your Rook's mind when she finds out that Emmrich's desire is to become a lich and immortality? In the game, Rook asks what will happen to them then, and the answer was: I want to spend my mortal time with you (something like that, I didn't memorized the script :D).

Okay thanks, that's sweet, and what will happen after? I know how the lich path is written in the game, because I watched it on YouTube. He says and act like he still love and care for Rook, but what kind of relationship is this if he's just a skeleton? I couldn't imagine it so I chosed the mortal path in my playthrough.

Personally I was pretty sad when I first got to this part in the game. He was so enthusiastic about the lichdom topic, and I already felt that this relationship couldn't be fulfilled easily because who am I to stand between him and his long desired dream? I didn’t want him to be a lich, but clearly I can’t say this to him either. Do Rook really matter to Emmrich that he might decide differently because of the relationship? (as it turned out, the relationship wasn't the deciding factor at all.. :D)

On the other hand, if he stay mortal there could be Emmrich's own fear, since there's an age difference between them, so he could rightly say "okay, here's this young Rook, with whom everything is great now, but what if in a few years Rook realizes that this relationship isn't working for us?" and then the poor professor will be stay mortal and alone. (Of course, my Rook would stay by his side for the rest of his life, because she's in love, this was just an supposition and a kind of speculation for now :D)

In my second playthrough recently I heard Lucanis talking to Emmrich at the Lighthouse about immortality - it's a shame I didn't record it, because it was interesting. Lucanis asked him why he want to choose immortality, when everything he knows and loves is here around him now. Emmrich replied that he wishes to see and discover the world, learning and said something about "new friends".. - he wasn't mentioning Rook..

I'm curious about your opinion, how would your Rook react to this decision? If I were the writers, I would have gone into this topic a little deeper if Emmrich is the chosen love interest. Its so tragic, heartbreakingly sad yet somehow interesting. It kept me thinking about it for days.. and still.

My headcanon is: The professor has spent most of his life in Nevarra among books, barely seeing anything of the world with his own eyes. He sets the goal of his mortal life to become an immortal lich, but unexpectedly finds himself on a world-saving adventure, where he meets Rook and the whole world opens up for him. The time spent together and the real world around him make him realize that perhaps there is a different path than lichdom (more vivid, and colorful, but fragile too). Then he loses Manfred, whom he raises and loves as a son. The thought of loosing him and his love for Rook together have a force that makes him want to take his life in a different direction because there are things that worth living for. (I mean really living. Not like as a lich lives or no-lives:D). So he chooses the real life, where he can watch the improvement of the speaking and magic-using little spirit Mandred and live with Rook as a real family. - and it's just a fanfiction part, because in the game  he says nothing about love and Rook when he turning down his dream. Sometimes in the game I feel like it's a forced relationship for him.. I love Emmrich so much, wanted to spent more personal time with him in the game, and I think I just wanted to hear something similar from him, that the relationship is important to him too and he is happy in this relationship too. But all I got was arguing about the age difference (what I actually really liked:D) and talking about lichdom and about the love of Manfred (what is totally understandable, I love him too!)

*sigh* I'm so miserable, sorry.. I know this won't change anything, I just had to write it out from myself.

Sometimes I take things too seriously, but I think this is an interesting topic and I'm really curious to hear other people's opinions :)

3 Replies

  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago


    It may not change the game, but getting the words out there always helps!

    Honestly, I did stop and wonder what was going through Rook’s mind at that moment. I stopped playing for a few minutes and wondered, what the thought was behind that one! It’s such a human reaction. How do you even process the person you care about dreaming of something that could take them away from you, in such a permanent and alien way? I felt for Rook so much there. It’s like your character is caught between supporting Emmrich’s ambitions and silently wondering where that leaves them.

    And you’re right, it’s bittersweet. Emmrich’s desire to learn and explore is understandable, but it stings that he doesn’t openly include Rook in that future vision. Maybe he does care deeply but struggles to express it because of the age difference or his own fears. It makes me feel like Rook’s feelings are so real here, They are just trying to matter to someone she’s grown close to. We also think that someone came up with this. Drew this on paper. Wrote this script!

    I love how your headcanon gives Emmrich a reason to see life differently. It’s tragic yet hopeful, and it makes you wish the game explored that personal shift in him even more deeply than it did. They could have taken that convo and even a side mission further. I think a lot of us Rook players wanted that little reassurance—that he sees her and the life they could share. Your post really hit home. 

    This is why we love these games. That character story and character development! We want to feel what that character is feeling.

  • Shaori07's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    3 months ago

    Hi, Thank you very much for your answer! I'm happy to read others opinions, and glad that others have similar thoughts on this topic too. I really find it interesting and it evoked very strong emotions in me, which I think is a good point to the game. :) I completely agree with your last sentences. And that's exactly what I missed a bit about Veilguard. The story provided the basis for a lot of things, but it feels a bit like we have to figure everything out for ourselves afterwards. Which is fine in most cases, I like to use my imagination, but with a games like the ones Bioware makes, I would expect something a little different, more deep and narrative representation maybe :)

  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago

    I agree it is a good thing when a game pushes the emotions out. That is how we connect to characters, games, studios, etc. I remember the first time I became a Spectre in Mass Effect. I actually got goosebumps, so now it is a memory I will always have. I prefer the more deep narratives in a game which is why I stick to the RPG genre. If you can tell me a good story I will play endless hours of that game!

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