Game crashes trying to load into Treviso with “Coffee with Crows” Quest active
The game crashes for me when trying to load into Treviso when Coffee with Crows is my active quest. Tried eluvian travel, fast travel from outside of the lighthouse, and fast traveling from the lighthouse and it crashes on the load screen. When fast traveling from the lighthouse it does let me character select before it crashes on load. It still lets me travel to Treviso if it is not my active quest. the quest marker is available on the map once I’m there still. Once I am in Treviso I am able to activate the quest with no problem. Once I had done that I was able to leave the area and fast travel and eluvian travel there with the quest active. If I leave the area and deselect the quest and select the quest again before reentering the bug repeats. My theory is that activating the quest outside of Treviso is the issue.