EA uses a Background service called "EABackgroundService" - This is run as a System service, and not the logged-in user
As the default user creation of network files are only accessible via the user who generated the Mapping - EA's background service cannot see your mapped drive
I have managed to overcome this by removing the Mapped network drive, and re-creating when running command prompt as admin.. See below
Example Deleting and Re-Mapping Z Drive to my Nas:
within Command Prompt (As Administrator):
net use Z: /Delete
net use Z: \\MYNASHOSTNAME\Games /Global /Persistent:yes /SaveCred
the Mapped Drive will now be accessible to Every user on the Computer
Note: Windows Explorer can only Partly see this new mapping until the service is restarted, or the user has logged out / Logged in again
To Restart the Explorer (THE BELOW CANCELS ANY ACTIVE COPY OPERATION, and will close all Explorer windows)
within Command Prompt (As Administrator):
taskkill -f -im explorer.exe
Saving the Credentials of a user with Write Permissions will permit the EA app to access the Mapped Drive