posting again almost 24 hours later, after checking this almost hourly on my phone browser.
this is really disheartening. NEVER in my life have i spent over $1000 not only on a single game, but also on something that i don't physically own ! as a player who's invested so much into just this installment alone, i'm TERRIFIED of saying or doing the wrong thing and getting wrongfully banned, thus completely losing access. i fell in love with the sims back in 2004. i would play the sims 2 almost every single day. i have the fondest memories of playing it all day on snow days and weekends.
this is so wrong, EA. the worst the origin app did was not track my gameplay hours from 2015-2019, despite being online the entire time.
the FIRST thing i did was clear my cache. then i immediately feared the worst, as now CurseForge has mods that are confirmed to have malware in them. so, i panicked and deleted a bunch of mods that were most definitely safe.
not that they care but:
EA ID/USERNAME: one of hundreds
TIMESTAMP: 4 P.M. EST 2/7/2024 , only 20 minutes after having played.
ERROR: the same error as everyone else.
this is so messed up. please, PLEASE, make a way for us to play this without the app, or if anything, something like the older games. give us players a guarantee that we're not going to be out hundreds to thousands of dollars if we lose access to this. physically owning my sims 2, sims 1, and base game sims 3 disks is the most comforting thing to me right now. sure, we don't have to keep buying your content only to complain, but we each have our own special reasons for playing, even just being that of enjoying the game. i own every pack except for Horse Ranch, the Chef Hustle, and a handful of kits. i only regret the fact that i don't own physical copies.
so many devs are leaving TS4 and EA, and it's worrying. there isn't a single item/good/purchase out there where you spend $1000+ and have nothing to show for it, other than NFTs, maybe.
please fix this. it's messed up. you dropped the ball on Will Wright with Spore, causing his leave, and now you just continue to tarnish the name of the franchise.