Forum Discussion
@lgaudet Try reinstalling Origin without uninstalling the EA App. You can use the current version of Origin, which you can download from here:
Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried that using this link and it still pops up with the forced update EA app window with no way around it, which uninstalled Origin. So I'm back to square one and also have to tell the kids today they can't play any games until EA fixes their app.
- EA_Darko3 years ago
Community Manager
Hey @lgaudet going forward you will need to use the EA app to play your EA games.
Darko- 3 years ago@EA_Darko it doesnt work. the EA app does not work.
- 3 years ago
@EA_Darko any ETA on the EA app being fixed?
$$$$$ in purchased expansion packs and add-on content shows I no longer own it. Existing game files are not playable. My guess is because they have content I bought that the new EA app does not recognize I own. The only option is to start a new blank game with base game content and a lot of missing content. Reinstall does not work.
If I try to reinstall any missing content from the EA app, it would require me to re-purchase content I already paid for.
If I try to reinstall any missing content from the game launcher, it says the game has to be updated and install failed. There is no option to update the game and "repair" did not repair anything.
Thank you,
- 3 years ago
Same here.
- 3 years ago
This would be fine if the EA App actually worked. Is there anything being done to remedy this? It seems ridiculous that we simply no longer have access to our games
- 3 years ago
This is why I so dislike any Software that requires an online login just to run paid-for content.
Eventually, the Company will neglect to keep the Servers going, and the Software will become unusable.
Although in this EA App case, the Company concerned has simply made an epic mess of a forced upgrade, and has contrived to disable all access to paid-for Content in the process.
Is there nobody left running the Company who has any authority to supervise what the children in the IT Department get up to? Or to ensure they actually test their creations before unleashing them on unsuspecting Customers?
Come on EA, crack on and resolve the problem you have created.
At the very least, disable the forced EA App upgrade in the Origin login, so people can carry on with what works in the interim.
Tick, tock, the clock is ticking, and people are getting very annoyed at the total lack of action, or even of an acknowledgement that there is a problem.
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