Forum Discussion
I tried again, and the EA App is still popping up when trying to Login via Origin, and then it won't go away.
It also won't install either, crashes every time.
Effectively locked out from PAID FOR CONTENT.
I absolutely detest having to login via any App. If you pay for Software, that should be it, unless you wish to Patch or Upgrade.
The EA App demonstrates everything that's wrong with the concept, and EA's abject failure to pull the broken EA App, demonstrates everything that is wrong with EA.
try opening your hosts file (located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) in notepad
and adding this to the bottom
and relaunching origin (quit via taskbar)
it should stop origin seeing any potential updates and maybe the popup as well (but not your ability to log in or play games)
avatars won't load tho, despite them being cached, and you won't be able to read/change your cloud saves and the setting associated with them or do any microtranactions with virtual currency.
- 3 years ago
Thanks, I did wonder about disabling update checks, so will investigate this.
- 3 years ago
Sadly, this didn't work for me.
The dumb popup still shows up, rendering origin unusable.
I hate forced updates with every fiber of my being. There's gotta be a workaround so I can keep using the app that I'm used to and that I know works.
For now I'm going to see what's in my Steam library, I guess 😞
- 3 years ago
This issue has something to do with the display setting panel in Windows 11 .....
- 3 years ago
- 3 years ago
I played since release Fifa 23 without any problems on EA-App. Then on February 9th 2023 i got this Error Message:
(your game failed to launch: An error on our end caused your launch fo fail. Try again a little later).
( nothing was changed on my PC/System)
I tried everything to solve the issue, realy everything. I also tried to start Fifa 23 on a new pc (clean, with latest updates and without any other software) and still got the same error message.
I contacted the Ea live chat 3 times, i contacted the Ea help (already wrote 5 mails and got everytime same answers, like uninstall / reinstall ea app, delete cache etc.)
Btw. every other game was working on the EA-App.
Then i tried to start Fifa 23 with my friends account on my PC . And surprisingly, fifa started without any Error messages.
So the issue is clearly EA Server/Account based. EA Please don't show me again a instruction with installing / uninstalling / deleting something !!!
- 3 years ago
OK. I tried adding the fix to the host file but no success. Origin still wants to do the pop up for upgrading to EA. I really believe that either an Origin or EA software engineer owes all of us that bought games a version of Origin that will not try to do the upgrade and allow us to play off line.
- 3 years ago
Don't know if it was mentioned already somewhere in the forums: I was also fighting with this * EA App.
For me the app works only when I uncheck "stay logged in". If I check this option the app just crashes. This a * of software!
I overcome the forced update from Origin to EA App by download and install an older version of Origin from here: Ältere Versionen von Origin (Windows) | Uptodown
I just rolled a dice and downloaded version 10.5.104 and now I'm no longer forced to update to EA App.
As said - there may be newer versions without including the forced EA app installation. But I did not spend hour after hour to get closed to the lastest version with this virus!
All my games (just 2 :-)) are running.
Unfortunately I have bought NFS Unbound via EA. Big mistake!
This is my last game from EA. I will stay with Steam and GOG.
Or wait for the crack. This is a kick in the * to honest customers from EA.
So long - EA! *wave*
- 3 years ago
OK - After reboot the same * starts over. I will resell via Steam.
EA App is a bunch of *! f**you damned company.
No answers or solutions since months.
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- 8 hours ago