Forum Discussion
Don't know if it was mentioned already somewhere in the forums: I was also fighting with this * EA App.
For me the app works only when I uncheck "stay logged in". If I check this option the app just crashes. This a * of software!
I overcome the forced update from Origin to EA App by download and install an older version of Origin from here: Ältere Versionen von Origin (Windows) | Uptodown
I just rolled a dice and downloaded version 10.5.104 and now I'm no longer forced to update to EA App.
As said - there may be newer versions without including the forced EA app installation. But I did not spend hour after hour to get closed to the lastest version with this virus!
All my games (just 2 :-)) are running.
Unfortunately I have bought NFS Unbound via EA. Big mistake!
This is my last game from EA. I will stay with Steam and GOG.
Or wait for the crack. This is a kick in the * to honest customers from EA.
So long - EA! *wave*
OK - After reboot the same * starts over. I will resell via Steam.
EA App is a bunch of *! f**you damned company.
No answers or solutions since months.
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