Hi Everyone,
This is an Update as of 10:00AM European Central Time
I tried the EA App this morning, did not work as usual, kept crashing. So i thought to myself, since i am running Norton 360, why not take a look in my program control settings (Which programs you allow to access the net etc)
I saw that i had blocked Activation UI from the Origin Games - I bought the Battlefront 2 from way before when it was under Origin - See attached pic
I unblocked it then retried the EA App, after three tries of it crashing, it connected and i was able to play my games as normal.
Now i don't know if this is a fluke or an anomaly or whatever and i am not saying this will work, all i am doing is sharing with the EA gaming community whom have helped me in the past. Maybe some firewall experts can tinker around with the settings and see perhaps that's a compatibility issue with the recent EA APP update.
I sincerely hope it will work for you and you will get back to enjoying the games you paid your hard-earned money for.
Let us know how it went, and as of now, i can access my games but i am not sure for how long LOL
Peace out.