Forum Discussion
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) 7450ddd1-cdf2-47f5-8c32-e07c291ff28f
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Performance
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 18.02.24 01:50
Summarize your bug After logging into the EA App, the app opens to the hub screen for a few seconds before crashing and displaying a dialog saying "The app crashed unexpectedly". The cycle repeats if I click on the restart app button in the dialog.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Open the app, log in (if not already) and wait a couple seconds for it to inevitably crash.
What happens when the bug occurs? The app crashes and displays a dialog saying "The app crashed unexpectedly"
What do you expect to see? The app should not crash and I should be able to play games I have purchased.
This has been going on for about a week now. The newest updated version of the app was said to fix this issue but it hasn't for me.
CM edit: edited title for clarity.
I decided to turn my origin online and immediately got pushed to move to the EA app, I selected the option, origin closed, the ea migrator dialog box said it was successful and then the EALauncher crashes instantly before ever opening. It says the app crashed unexpectedly and there are 2 options "restart app" "exit" when I click restart and EA logo pops up saying connecting and within a few seconds I hit an error that says "Something went wrong and the service failed to start. Try again in a minute." Trying again doesn't yield a different outcome. I've tried everything I can think of. At this point I no longer have the sims game (only thing I used origin for) on my laptop, in the hopes that deleting absolutely everything would help from my computer would help, but I'm stuck in an endless loop of redownloading origin to launch ea, launching ea and having it crash before it opens, and then deleting everything and trying again.
I followed a few steps and tips I've seen provided to others on here but nothing works. Please help me if you can!
- 11 months ago
Wanted to add that I tried the steps here twice, and still can't launch the app. (
- Bluebellflora11 months agoHero+
- 11 months ago
Okay so I tried this, made the user and admin and when I logged in it immediately tried to launch EA and I hit the same error before I could even click anywhere. :/
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