The more I try to read these forums, the more I find myself thinking that these forums need some major restructuring!
It's just a mess.. going to a thread, it says it has x amount of new replies since I last visited it, but these replies may just be buried as replies to someone elses post in the same thread, making it to hard to find and they won't be read. And having to sort everything by newest on every visit. Dislike. Just get rid of the current thread layout and replace it with what we had on the old forum... because it was much better!
And sub-forums. Really, the Sims 3 forum needs to have sub forums. Yes, this has been said before, but I'm repeating it now, because I think it's just that vital...
And proper page numbering. Again...
This forum is just not very enjoyable and though I want to be a part of the community, its just not very tempting to spend much time here reading.. migrating eveything here seems to me as just a very bad idea...