Forum Discussion

Isaiahijc's avatar
12 hours ago

to the pvz2 developers

hey i have some ideas for pvz2 plants

Unicorn Peashooter

Special Ability: the Unicorn Peashooter could have a wider area of effect, perhaps causing zombies in a small radius to become confused and wander aimlessly. 

Plant Food Ability: This could be even more powerful, causing a mass confusion effect on all zombies on the screen.

it would be in the enchant family

here is another plant idea i would like to see beeshooter to come back it would be in the spear family unlike pvz adventures 

Special Ability:  it could have a chance to stun zombies it hits, or perhaps attract other bees to the battlefield to assist in attacking zombies.

Plant Food Ability: The Beeshooter  could summon a swarm of bees that target all zombies on the screen, dealing significant damage.

here is one more plant idea i would love to see cattail to come back i know it is only in the chinese version but i would love see it in the us with a new redesign   will those are my ideas i hope the developers see them


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