Number 1 NHL25 player in the world needs your help.
So late last week, one of our own, (storyupkids) suffered a tragic loss, his 8month old daughter passed away while she slept, from S.I.D.S (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) I am sure a lot of people that read this may not have children but trust me when I say, this is a parent's worst nightmare, no one should have to go threw this, I have set up a Go fund me page for him and his wife to get threw these hard times, and hope that anyone who reads this could help pitch in, even 1.00, 5.00 whatever, I know times are tough for a lot of people, but trust me they could get a lot tougher.This is the link to the go fund me page for Aria thank you everyone for taking the time to read this. I will be checking back here. If anyone has questions for me.