Forum Discussion
76 Replies
- EA_Lanna3 years ago
Community Manager
Hi @lawrence8102,
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. Has your Steam account be linked to your EA account? If not, the game can't launch. You can double-check by going to your EA Account and Billing Settings and clicking on the Connections tab. If your Steam account is linked up, it'll be displayed there.
- EA_Lanna
@EA_LannaMy Steam account is linked to my EA account. But the problem still exists.
I see that you will have a patch update next week. Or I should wait for your patch update next week?
- EA_Lanna3 years ago
Community Manager
Hi @lawrence8102,
Hopefully not, I'd like to try to see if we can get to the bottom of this soon to help get you sorted asap. To that end, there are some other things that might help launch the game. Could you run through these steps please:
- Clear the EA App's Cache (Top Left Menu > Help > App Recovery - Clear cache)
- Verify the game in your Steam library
- Check for other applications that may be limiting EA App or Game performance
- Try closing other Anti-Cheats and overlays that may be running
- Check Task Manager to ensure Wild Hearts has fully closed before trying to relaunch. If not, please 'End Task' and then attempt to boot up the title again.
- Reset the EA account password. In the past, this has worked for other players.
- EA_Lanna
Hello I am having the same issue as @lawrence8102 ,
I tried all of the steps you mentionned but it didn't solved the problem.
The problem being when pressing play on steam the game doesn't start at all and it only open the "EA app" software.> Also, it is important to note that my Steam account is properly linked to my EA account used on the "EA app" software.
I am suspect that the problem come from the EA program called "Link2EA.exe" that can be found here ProgramFiles\Programs\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\EA Desktop\Link2EA.exe.
Infact, when launching the game from steam or from the EA software "EA app" a window open which run the following command line: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\EA Desktop\Link2EA.exe" "link2ea://launchgame/1938010?platform=steam&theme=BOhni" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
When looking at the arguments used in the command line it lookslike it starting the right game from the steam library as the steam appID is the correct one.
>>> After the window closing while showing nothing (the window from the above commadn line), I can see the process of WILD HEARTS starting in the task manager (with the following command line: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\WILD_HEARTS\00_game\target_origin\ex\WILD HEARTS.exe)>>> Finaly the process closes without any error messages (as far as I am able to rapidly browse through the task manager). And the EA software "EA app" opens again in my library showing the game WILD HEARTS being installed through steam.
Hope this give some information to work with and do not hesitate to answer me for any additional information that could help you in anyway possible.- EA_Illium3 years ago
Community Manager
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to jump in and ask if we could get the following information from anyone who might still be running into this issue?
Are you getting an error message?
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening?
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag
Platform: PC (Steam)
Region: Europe
Error Message: No error pops up after trying to launch the game, but if I check Windows Event Viewer, I see an error relating to Wild Hearts (exception code: 0xc0000409)
Date this issue started: The day the trial released (feb 14), currently still happening
Anything else: I click play game, I see 2 windows pop up in a row, Link2EA and the EA app library, in task manager I see the Wild Hearts exe for a few seconds, then it disappears.
DxDiag included in attachments, added a picture of the event viewer log if that helps. It's in Dutch though.Edit: If you need a clip, I had to upload it to google drive because this site doesn't allow you to attach mp4 files to your post...
Platform: PC Win11 EA -App launcher
Region: Europe
Are you getting an error message?: No
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?: 2023-02-16 yes it's still happening
Is anything else happening?: Everything else just works fine
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip: I don't have recording software but when I click play I see a loading spinner for 3 sec and then the EA-App goes back into the foreground and nothing else happens.If on PC, please share a DxDiag:
EA Report ID:74a2aac5-dda7-4729-b355-3c7b2ba5b240
Platform: PC (Steam)
Region: Europe
Error Message: There is no error message. I press play, a window of EA play pops up and then nothing happens.
Date this issue started: I bought the game yesterday (16 Feb). I had the same issue yesterday so I looked up a fix online. Nothing worked. I found someone that said you needed Origin instead of EA Play to make it work. I tested this and this worked. I was able to play for 5 hours. I tried this again today (17 Feb), but was not able to do this anymore.
Anything else: When you press play the pop up shows and then disappears on steam. After that the play button goes back to green (steam) but automatically enables itself as if it's trying to launch again. It then pops up the EA Play app and nothing happens.
I've tried multiple fixes. I have tried:
- launching game directly from folder -normally and as admin
- launching from EA app, while game is installed by steam
- closing all steam/EA app related tasks and running game via steam/EA app/from folder
- clearing cache in EA app
- checking steam game integrity
- reinstalling the game on steam
- updating drivers
- disabling antivirus and VPN
- Steam is correctly linked with EA Play
I wanted to put a video in here but it's not supported. How can I do this?
Please help :/
My post got deleted because I added a google drive link with a clip, and this site does not allow you to attach mp4 files.
Here's my post again with all other details
Platform: PC (Steam), Windows 11
Region: Europe
Error Message: No error message when I try to launch the game, just the error message in the windows event log with the exception code: 0xc0000409 (screenshot attached, language in Dutch though).Date this issue started: The day the trial launched (feb 14), issue still ongoing.
Anything else: I press play on steam, 2-3 windows, all from the EA App open and close in a row , I see the Wild Hearts process in Task Manager for a few seconds and then it disappears.
Screenshot, DxDiag attached, cannot post clip on this site, but I have one recorded.
Error Report ID:
Platform: PC,Windows 11, on steam
Region: North America
Error Message: There is no error message. I press play, a window of EA play pops up and then nothing happens. Steam's play button turns into the stop button
Date this issue started: I bought the game Feb 17 around 1am EST, and played it for about five hours, two different sessions.
Anything else: When you press play the pop up shows and then disappears on steam. It says the game is running, and it shows in the task manager. There is no game window. The game does show on the task manager.
EA Error Report ID: d96f52c8-10aa-40fa-bc5c-9b6cd54b6ad6I have tried:
- launching game directly from folder -normally and as admin
- launching from EA app, while game is installed by steam
- closing all steam/EA app related tasks and running game via steam/EA app/from folder
- clearing cache in EA app
- checking steam game integrity
- reinstalling the game on steam
- updating drivers
- disabling antivirus and VPN
- steam is correctly linked with EA Play
- Adding the game as a non-steam game
- changing my EA app password
- running the game and or EA app as admin
- stopping onedrive
Fun fact, I tried to log onto my steam acc on my partner's pc, and the same thing occurs.
they're still able to play the game when they log back into their steam account
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