This is genuinely blowing my mind at this stage now, 3rd SBC Ban in 3 days, and today I have been even more careful. It's almost as though there is a compounding effect where it is forcing the next SBC ban faster than the previous one.
I am strongly considering dropping this game after more than two decades of playing it. Never in the last 2 decades have I ever considered dropping the game mid-cycle because of how much frustration it has been causing me.
It really is blowing my mind what is the objective the developers want at this stage. Because even if long-term 'addicts' like us are becoming this frustrated with the experience, then I really don't know how the new users are feeling.
There is so much I want to say, but I'm not going to scream it into the void, because it is VERY CLEAR no one in the hierarchy cares at all about the user experience.
Much love to the community managers here, I know you have no fault in all of this and have to deal with our complaints when you cannot do anything either <3