Forum Discussion
- 2 years agoWhile those who leak game information on social media can get the beta code, it makes me very sad that I can't get the beta code because I want to play as a normal player.
- 2 years ago
Stop crying man, jeez…
- 2 years ago
@WindingFuture82Stop crying ther's only so many codes to go round I've missed out this year too. But I'm just getting on wit hthings and playin gother games as I know I'll be able to play the game anyway next month when i tlaunches. It's not a long wait anyway if you pick the right games. I know of some great time killers like RPG's and things and we can still continue to play games like Fifa 23 in the meantime as well. Not being able to beta tes tFC24 is not the end of the world. Would I have liked to yes but I'm not going t obust myself silly over a game because I wasn't asked to test it I'll just get busy playing it when it does come out on the 22nd September
- 2 years ago
I get the FIFA 23 beta code last year. It just saddens me that I didn't get the FC 24 Beta code this year.
- 2 years ago@WindingFuture82 So did I we just got lucky last yea rI guess. But it's all chosen at random so there's never any guarantees.Because I remember readying myself to pla ythe Insomniac Spiderman game which had just got released on PC and bam I recieved an email inviting me to Beta test Fifa 23. So ended up putting my plans to play Spiderman on hold. I still plan on playing it as I still haven' tas yet but I probably will at some point befoer the end o fthe year but for now I have it sitting in my backlog. TBH I got so used to not being asked to beta test things an dwaiting for the full release before playing as last year was the first time I was so was pleasantly surprised. I did ready myself expecting t obe asked again but it hasn' t happened so I' m basically just getting on with other things now. Mostl ymy Fifa 23 saves atm but I'm thinking of turning to my other games soon as I want to givemyself a little break before FC24 launches as I don't want to find myself running out of steam and getting bored before it drops. I'm mostly playing Fifa becaus eI'm in the mood for it atm and the start of the new season and the Womens World Cup have been fuelling that a bit. I can see myself switching off for a break once the World Cup is finished though. Sometimes I play earlier Fifa's long after their cycles have ended because one of m yFifa 13 careers I didn't finish until about 2 years later so I don't see startin ga career now on Fifa 23 as being too bad. Heck I've still got saves on the go from Fifa's 17-22 as well still that I can play if I want. But then I don' t play online outside o fthe occasional game of Volta. I mainly only play career or women's football as I've enjoyed playing the newly added womens leagues and I'm looking forward to playing in the women' s Bundesliga and the Spanish league too.
- 2 years ago
There are 16-17 days until the beta ends. And I didn't get the beta code. This is not fair 😢
- 2 years ago@WindingFuture82 Unfortunatel yyou'l ljus thav eto live with it like the rest of us d owhen we're not picked.
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