After two weeks you are the first person here who is answering me directly with a useful bit of information. Honestly, I really thank you!!
I could log into the Web App only with my E-Mail. I saw my account there. I could go into the Evolutions menu. I have not yet started a new evolution.
I went into my console, cause I thought that I had a certain the CB Buongiorno as an inform that I wanted to upgrade as an evo. Logging into the console kicked me out of the webapp. I guess that is by design and makes sense. But since then I could not log into the web app again. The web app keeps telling me that I cannot be logged in on two devices. Although meanwhile I logged out of the console again. I even turned it completely off to be totally sure. But I keep on getting that error message. Any ideas?
But honestly man, if I can start new evos that way ... you literally saved my EAFC-Live. And I think that this could also bei the solution for many other players.