4213 formation
I'm very interested in seeing how many people on these forums and on reddit believe that the removal of 4213 would be a net benefit for the game.
My take on the formation
The formation is all about abusing the fact that the game has no actual need for a midfield as stamina is not really an issue and players can sprint 24/7 without any issue, allowing you to just spam counters and defend with essentially 6 players that transition from a high press to a low block if your opponent manages to find his way through your high defense.
The fact that RW/LW positions are now permanently stuck on "Stay forward" and have absolutely 0 interest in ever coming back, paired with a ST and CAM on the same essential instruction means that its all about a counter, and if your opponent is not playing with FB on defend or, at the very least FB Balanced, you've always got an extra player.
All in all, my take is that this formation is one of the worst things that has happened to this game in a long while, along with the likes of FIFA24s finesse shots from halfway line and this iterations take on trivellas that can seemingly be scored from anywhere.
How many of you would like to see this formation removed?