SpiritBall89Honestly I can't tell what goes on when the other player pauses. I've had great ping until they pause and all of a sudden I'm hitting 70-100, I've had people that you are quite obviously better than suddenly become untouchable gods of the game. That's why I just call it one big jumbled mess.
I don't care about AI defending being toned down, it used to be virtually non existent when I started playing fifa, but they need to buff keepers or remove timed finishing and add a bit more shot error. I don't enjoy every game finishing 7-6 or 5-4 and so on. It's just rubbish game design for a game that is based around football, and one where they apparently do so much work on realistic player animations. To then expect everything to be unrealistic after that is a bit ridiculous. Honestly, when my keeper saves something I go into shock and nearly have a heart attack, even when the shots from 30 yards.
I don't understand why people want it as easy as possible. Do I love goals? Yeah I do, but I've scored so many now that celebrating them isn't even enjoyable. I skip every celebration for goals I score because I would rather just get it over with than appreciate the goal. Scoring on this game is nothing to do with skill currently, I get it they want everyone to have their chance but that's what the division system is for. Make it so that you can only go up and not down so you don't get people abusing the system, then we all have no choice but to end up where we belong.
I understand that it would suck for someone who just went up a division but get good, I didn't sink years into this game hoping I would just miraculously end up in higher divisions with better rewards. I'm happy where I'm at, div3/2 I don't want super sweat elites every game, all the meta teams or players already crop up enough. If they were some of the most skilled players in the game, I'd rather not deal with it at my age and in my condition.