'Update' has ruined the game
This 'update' recently has changed the game entirely. It has gone from what was a good football sim, with lot of midfield battles and interesting tactics to being a pile of rubbish where every game is a scorefest and speedfest.
This is not even the same game. To all those who think this is a good upgrade and it just needs folks to learn 'manual' defending, thats just not a good argument, since you only ever control one player so nothing is 'manual'. Plus they have intentionally dialled down the defensive AI in favor up more goals.
Some completely horrendous things are taking place, interceptions in the middle of the pitch are being missed by players who just stand there doing nothing when the ball is going through them, defenders are not tracking or marking anyone, passes can be pinged with ridiculous accuracy at high speed with instant control, shots.
Any chance EA will take this back since its not even the same product as what I originally purchased?!
Anyone else think this has gone horribly wrong?
And do you know if the changes were only to UT or to the whole game? I don't have the time to test it.