Forum Discussion

oyilmaz16's avatar
5 months ago

Playing with direction buttons issue / URGENT

Hello, i was always playing this game with direction buttons on ps5. But in FC25, while i playing with direction buttons, players are bouncing the ball. İ think everyone has this problem. We need hel...
  • EA_Hux's avatar
    5 months ago

    Accepted as solution for visibility purposes only

    Thank you all for raising this issue.

    We've passed it on to the team for investigation.

    Sharing these steps from @Zizouu97, @mehdiiraqui, and @Hicham9900 that seem to be helping some folks here. Thank you!!!

    1- go to any Kick-Off match then open your joystick settings.

    2- turn the settings from CUSTOM to CLASSIC, and save it as it is.

    3- Close the settings and just move any player user the new settings.

    4- Re-open the joystick settings and adjust it as you like, and save it 🙂)

    Now Congratulations you can use the arrows perfectly